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⚠️TW// physical altercation⚠️


"We are back!" Ashton yells loudly, his voice more than filling the green room.

"It's been four days, Ash, not four months." Michael laughs.

"Last stretch of shows, a couple more weeks and then off for the holidays. It's going to be a good run." Ashton sighs, falling onto the couch.

"And everyone is here to enjoy it right?" Sierra grins, "No more fights and bullshit?" Her eyes turn to me.

"Ali isn't here. And she's not coming back on this tour, so hopefully. Although if I start to pudge out again, don't say anything because there is no way in hell I'm working with Marty right now."

"Doesn't she need Marty though?" Luke frowns.

"She has finals this upcoming week and part of the next, and then family stuff for the holidays. I actually have no idea when I'll see her in person next. She's doing her therapy over FaceTime as far as I understand." I shrug. I really need to be okay with the fact that Ali isn't here. I'll have to tour without her plenty in the future. She has her own life plan, her school, career, family, I can't expect her to put that all aside to come on tour with me all the time.

"You're allowed to miss her, Cal. Just don't sulk too much. She wants you to have a good time finishing off tour. Plus we head for home after the last jingle ball show. January and a little break will be here before you know it. And then you can go see her again." Luke smiles sympathetically.

"It's just weird to not have her here I guess. She has been since day one." I sigh.

"It's cute how in love her you are." Crystal shoots me a knowing smile, "It's been a really long time since you actually missed a girl."

"Just wish I'd realized it when I could tell her. Now I have to sit on my feelings for a month or more, because there is no way I'm telling her that in any situation other than in person." I nod.

"Wait. You've admitted to yourself that you love her?" Michael has his drink suspended a few inches from his lips as he asks, pure shock on his face.

"Well when it naturally tried to roll off my tongue the other day at the end of our call it was pretty fucking hard to deny. So yeah."

"Our sadist anti love Calum Hood has been changed." Ashton grins, falling to hug me.

"Fuck off. I know you all know how important she is to me. I know to guys think you know I was in love with her before I did. Don't act like this about it." I groan.

"We're just happy to see you realizing it, Cal." Mike chuckles, "It's a good thing."

"Hey guys." My fists clenched reactively as Marty waltz's through the door unannounced, "Calum, Luke, did you guys want to get your workout in before soundcheck?"

"I do." Luke nods quickly.

"Cal?" Marty turns to me as if there is nothing wrong."

"No." I simply but harshly decline.

"Still pissed about last week? Really? Isn't that a little childish?"

"This isn't about that. This is about Wednesday. I will no longer be doing workouts with you, Marty. You can leave."

"She cried to you about that? Should have guessed." He half laughs, making my body tense further.

"Marty, just leave." Ashton steps into the conversation, and I know it's because he can tell how pissed I am getting.

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