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"Welcome to Cincinnati, guys. Let's get tour started." Nate grins, greeting the four of us as we step out of the SUV at the arena.

"Let's do it. We plan to draw in thousands of new fans over the next couple months." Luke grins, more awake than I am by a long shot.

"Everyone else is already here. Crew busses headed out last week with everyone. We have a full show run through in an hour. I know Marty wanted to talk to all of you if there was time. Start figuring out what you guys want your diet and exercise routines to look like on tour."

"Cal needs Marty to tell him what he needs to do." Ashton laughs, jabbing a finger into my stomach as we follow Nate.

I swat his hand away quickly. It's true, I have put on a few pounds this summer, but I don't care. It's not like there is anyone to impress, plus traveling the globe for nearly three months sort of put a halt on any dietary strategy I had in place before. I'm in no way worried about what I look like at this point, plus tour is a work out on it's own. I'll naturally slim back down in a matter of weeks.

"Hey, don't disrespect the pudge, it's cute." Michael tosses an arm over my shoulders, his other hand covering my stomach protectively.

"You can all fuck off." I groan shoving Mike off me, "I haven't put on that much weight. And tour alone will rid my body of it in two weeks or less."

"I think you're beautiful, Calum. Don't listen to them if they are judging you." I internally roll my eyes, glancing over to see Alex's arm around my shoulders suddenly.

"Get out of here, Alex. We got technicalities to get through before the run through." Nate waves him off.

"You know we're kidding, Cal. We don't care what you look like, so long as it doesn't mess with your bass playing. We just like to poke fun." Ash smiles at me.

"Ya, sorry. Just in a mood today for some reason." I shrug him off.

"You're always in a mood lately. You've been single too long. You've got angry loneliness going on." Luke chuckles.

"Angry loneliness?" I chuckle.

"He ain't alone alone anymore remember." Ashton sighs, running a hand through his brown curls.

"Hey, you're not single, Ash, just taking some time. You'll fix it. You and KayKay are made for each other. Don't lose hope man." Michael tries.

"I hope so." Ashton nods, his mood having dropped by a significant amount.

"Ah great, now we have two grumpy ass members." Luke groans.

"We'll be fine." I roll my eyes, looking up as we enter a large nearly empty room, a sound I recognize catching my attention.

The sweet sound of a soccer ball bouncing against the cinderblock wall.

"Ali, get off your leg or you won't be playing for another year. I'm not fucking around with your training and therapy. You got your PT in, go ice and call coach Rivers before he has my ass." All our eyes move to Marty, our band's trainer, a guy in his late twenties, maybe early thirties. He's worked with us for a couple years now, keeping up on our diets and fitness while touring and home in LA.

My eyes quickly travel to the girl he is yelling at, tan skin, wavy brown hair, and toned as fuck legs, fully exposed in the small shorts she has on, one wrapped in a large knee brace, the other supporting her weight with the assistance of the crutches tucked under her armpits.

"I didn't even kick it! I used the crutch. Fuck you're cranky today, Marty." She yells back, crutching towards a water bottle across the room.

"Marty." Nate calls out getting his attention.

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