Inside You: Prologue

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hello hello hello. So hopefully you're hear to get some Malec lovin'  and here you definately will :) This is my first fan fiction so please let me know what you think and review!! Apart from that...enjoy :D x


The sky was dark and it was night-time in the city. Alexander Lightwood ran down the bustling street barely aware of his surroundings. Cars raced past in blazes of light and noise like loud, brightly coloured insects. But they appeared strangely blurred in Alec’s hazy vision. His head was throbbing and all he was really aware of was the pounding of his feet against the slick pavement.

Glancing briefly up to the dark sky, ignoring the rain that was slamming into his face, Alec saw the thousands of sparkling stars shimmering above him and, at any other time, he would have been able to name all the constellations he saw above him but in his current state he could barely even remember where he was. The almost full moon loomed above him bathed in a red hue that seemed ominous somehow.

He continued to run at full pelt down the street ignoring his aching muscles and his lungs which were screaming for air. His breaths were coming in shallow gasps and he was beginning to feel lightheaded. But he couldn’t stop. He had to keep running.

Suddenly he felt himself slam into someone and he was knocked sideways a few steps.

“Oi, watch it!” someone growled roughly.

“Sorry.” Alec muttered not even looking at the burly man he had crashed into. He flicked his sopping wet hair out of his eyes and kept running.

But Alec was running after something-not like usual. He wasn’t chasing after a demon or tracking a rogue warlock. No. This time he was running away.

Filled with terror and soaked to the skin with rain he fled down the busy street dodging as best he could between the throngs of bustling people.

Think, Alec. Think.’

Where could he go? He couldn’t keep running the streets all night. Yes he was running away-but where was he running to? He couldn’t go back to the institute. Not like this. But then a sudden thought struck him and he sped up his pace, ignoring the renewed pain in his chest and legs. He now knew where he was going to go.

The only place he could go.

It was late but Magnus, the High Warlock of Brooklyn, could not get to sleep. He had tossed and turned for over an hour listening to the sheets of rain pounding against his windows waiting for sleep to overcome him. But it hadn’t worked. Which was why, at 1:18am, Magnus was wandering around the large living-room of his flat in just his purple silken pyjama bottoms listening to ‘This is why I’m hot’. He had discovered the song just the previous day in some club he had met one of his clients in and he hadn’t been able to get it out of his head.

Well it certainly suited him although he still hadn’t worked out quite what being ‘fly’ had to do with being hot. But hey, if the sparkly boot fit.

His new favourite song was rudely interrupted however by an extremely loud and annoying yowling sound which seemed to be coming from somewhere near his feet. Peering down he saw his cat, Chairman Meow, walking around his ankles wailing at the top of his voice. Magnus tried to push the cat gently out of the way with one large, bare foot but the cat was persistent.

“What are you complaining for? I actually remembered to feed you today, for a change, so what’s the problem?” Unsurprisingly the cat just continued to yowl loudly at him.

Crouching down Magnus stared into Chairman Meow’s large yellow eyes. “Oh so you’re missing Alec are you, you traitorous feline?” He chuckled softly to himself and, after scratching the now silent cat behind his ears, stood up and strolled slowly towards his sofa which sat in the middle of the room in front of the large plasma screen television where he watched all of his day time TV. The Ellen DeGeneres show was his favourite. He flopped down tiredly onto the soft cushions and sighed wearily.

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