Chapter 9-Suspicious Behaviour

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Okayy so I feel bad. Like really really bad! Here I am not having uploaded in aaaages (although in my defense I have had exams for the past month!) and I only have this tiny chapter to offer you and it's kinda a filler-although it was a good opportunity to have some group interaction. Also I am leaving little clues and hints through out the chpaters as to what is/will be happening so keep you eyes open :P It's from here on out that things really start to happen :D the time for fluff (well Malec fluff at least) is over-let the angst ensue :P So yeah please VOMMENT and I hope you like this chapter! They next one should be up a lot quicker this time :D


Alec did his best to shake off his feelings of guilt as he travelled back to the Institute.

His refusal to tell the warlock had nothing to do with him trusting Magnus and everything to do with the shame he felt boiling and writhing inside of him every time he thought about the nightmares.

The violent dreams indicated something wrong with him. Something sick and twisted in his brain.

It is probably just brought about by stress, Alec told himself. But that didn’t make it any easier to think about.

Forcibly moving away from that train of thought he pushed open the doors of the Institute and revelled in just being home.

“Hey Church,” he murmured, smiling gently as he scratched the cat behind the ears. After a few moments however Church swiped at Alec’s hand and set of down the corridor without waiting for Alec to follow him. Typical.

Alec shook his head but figured he’d better follow the temperamental cat anyway. He hurried after Church and quickly found himself led to the living room which was not empty like he had been expecting it to be, considering the early hour.

Isabelle, Jace, Clary and even Simon were all there. Simon seemed to be trying to calm Isabelle down as she paced anxiously back a forth in front of one of the large sofas but a deathly glare from her had him quickly backing off.

Jace, looking carefree as usual, was lounging on the other sofa with a worried looking Clary snuggled tightly next to him.

Sensing the tense tone immediately Alec asked, “What’s going on?”

All of their heads snapped round to look at him in surprise.

Storming over Isabelle smacked him hard on the shoulder before pulling him close to her before he could complain. “That’s what you get for not answering your damn phone!”

Pulling back Alec searched through the contents of his bag, finally finding the phone he was sure hadn’t gone off all evening-though he hadn’t actually checked. The screen was black and it was dead.

“Sorry, I didn’t realise it had died.”

Isabelle rolled her eyes and strode away muttering something that sounded like typical under her breath.

“What’s going on?” Alec repeated still sensing that he’s missed something as he looked from his sister to Jace, still looking relaxed on the couch. He smirked up at him.

“Izzy has been getting her whip in a twist because she couldn’t contact you last night.”

“I went back to Magnus’ apartment,”

Jace raised an eyebrow, his smirk widening.

“What?” Alec asked defensively.

“Nothing,” Jace said, slinging an arm round Clary who rolled her eyes and spoke:

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