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pov juliet

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pov juliet

It's been two days since Henry passed away. I'm laying on my bed staring at my ceiling and haven't come out of my room ever since it happened. Apparently Philip Archibald had called home asking what my problem was and if something was wrong with Henry. The twins and Ally were about to leave and come help me so they picked up mister Archibald on their way. They told him everything. He didn't quite believe it at first but they can be very convincing and believing. Philip Archibald made sure nobody would know Henry had passed away only the people he wanted to know. Let's just say the media never found out. He told the police that he found his son and that he killed himself with an overdose.

Of course for me and my brothers it was inevitable to keep it a secret for our family. Although it hurts so much to tell them he committed suicide, which he didn't. And today, it was his funeral. I'm pretty sure it will be very small and secure. I hear a silent knock on my door and my parents slowly walk in. I don't make a move while they sit down on the edge of my bed.

'Honey, we're all ready to go. Why aren't you dressed yet?' my mom asks. I hate it that they will come as well. My father couldn't stand the guy. I sit up and look at them all dressed up in black.

'I don't want you to come,' I tell them and stand up walking towards my wardrobe. I pick out a basic black dress and turn around, facing my parents. They stand up and smile carefully.

'If you don't want us to be there, then we won't,' my dad says and gives me a kiss on my forehead.

They leave me be so I can get dressed. I curl my hear and put on the earrings Henry bought for me this summer in the Sustainable Fashion store. I walk over to my bookshelf and pick out one small thick black book. It's cover is soft and there are three words sewn onto it with a gold color: VENI - VIDI - AMAVI meaning 'we came - we saw - we loved'. Henry made it for me with all the pictures he took from us. Not only us but memories during school or party's and with friends.

I take one out where we're in the lake at the cabin and I'm floating while he's holding me. I remember this moment, Ally took it. Also on my desk is the small piece of paper he left the day he passed away. I put both in my purse and go downstairs where I see my four brothers wait for me. Joe takes my hand and the five of us leave the house without our parents.

When we arrive at the small private cemetery where I see Ally waiting for us on a small bench. A little bit further I see Philip Archibald next to Henry's mother. Her new husband is present as well. I also see Patricia, who's crying in her handkerchief and Bryan. He's wearing black sunglasses and has a poker face. Then there's the priest and two men who will plug the hole where Henry's coffin is in.

We walk closer to where they are standing and the priest waits a moment before he begins. The tombstone is white with silver letters. HENRY WILLIAM ARCHIBALD. 2000-2022. Beloved son and friend. The priest starts with the ceremony and Henry's parents both say a few words. They want me to say something but I have nothing prepared.

'You can do it,' I hear Ally whisper in my ear. I take a step forward and cough a little.

'Henry was a good person who was simply misunderstood by many people. The last years of his life were very hard for him because he wasn't himself. Henry was a very charismatic, intelligent and funny and most of all, he loved the people close to him very deeply. Even thought he didn't show it often, because that's just the way he was. But he did... love,' I lower myself and lay the picture and note on his coffin, 'exactly the way like we loved him.'

Love him.

The end.


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