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pov juliet

I wake up in the middle of the night because I was cold. I always sleep with my window open but this time I couldn't bare it. I step out of bed and close it. I might as well go to the bathroom now I'm awake. I walk out of my room and hear voices coming from downstairs. I go to the bathroom fast and then downstairs to see who it is. Of course dad had fallen asleep on the couch with the TV still on. I turn it off and dad jumps up.

'Jules, what time is it?' He asks sleepily.

'1 am. I heard voices, the TV was still on!'

'I waited for Jack to come home but I fell asleep,' he says.

'Come home? From what?' I ask.

'He went for a ride with Henry and I told them to be back after an hour and I stayed awake. He is in his room, right?' I have no idea so we both go upstairs into the twins' bedroom and see Jack's bed is empty.

'He won't get away with this. I'll call him,' dad says and we go downstairs again waiting for Jack to answer his phone. But he didn't. 'Do you have Henry's number by any chance?'

'Oddly enough I do. I'll call him!' But he doesn't answer either. 'What if something happened, dad?' I ask worried.

Suddenly the house phone rings and the both of us jump. Who calls in the middle of the night anyway? Dad answers it and has a scared look on his face. When the phone call ends he looks me straight in the eye.

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