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pov juliet

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pov juliet

two months later sunday 8 pm

If you ask me how my life has been ever since Henry left? Well let me tell you: it was per-fect. My friends and I have been having great study-sessions without interruptions, my dates with Casper are always worth their time, although I'm having the feeling he keeps his distance, my bond with my family is stronger than ever, except for Jack, he's been weird lately. Now I'm even more happy because mom promised to bring us to school so we didn't have to take the subway.

'Jack, are you going to tell me what's going on with you?' Mom asks him but he ignores it.

'Jack?' Jesse now tries. Even he doesn't know what's wrong.

'Well life isn't great when your best friend leaves you and the team and now we have a game this Wednesday and we suck without him. That's what bothering me,' he suddenly says irritated.

'Oh honey, is this still about your friend Henry? Didn't he leave two months ago?' Mom tries to comfort him.

'Yes he did, in the beginning we were still in touch, now it's been almost a month since I've heard from him. But that doesn't bring him back for the big game which we're going to lose!'

'I'm pretty sure the team is great without him,' I say. As if Henry is the only one who plays well. I personally think he is not even close to being the best. Jack is the one who keeps the other team from scoring.

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