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pov henry

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pov henry

'Mister Archibald. What on earth were you thinking?'

After the party got shut down, I had to report myself at chancellor Jenkins' office to explain myself. If I ever find out who told him, he won't be long enough alive to breathe his last words.

'Sir Jenkins, our only new team member, Jack Maxon, was incredible out there, and I thought he'd like it if we threw him a party.' I try to explain. I honestly just wanted to celebrate our first game, if we had won or not.

'"We"? You mean you!? You were the one who wanted to throw it.' He almost looks at me like I am some piece of dirt. Does he know who I am?

'Says who? I bet you can't even tell me who informed you.' I bite back. I wasn't going to allow him to speak to me like that.

'Someone told me in confidence.' he answers.

'Coward.' I mumble.

'What did you say?' he responds angrily.

'Just tell me why I'm here old man!' I am really losing it right now. I have better things to do than just sit here. He clears his throat.

'Henry Xander Archibald, I hereby announce to you that you will be on lifeguard duty at the campus pool until our lifeguard is healthy. This contains:
- at 6.30am opening of the pool until 8am ~ because most students' lectures start at 9am.
- from 2pm until 10pm: lifeguard
- from 10pm until 11pm : cleaning the pool and closing the doors
Starting from next Monday, you will go to the pool instructor who will tell you exactly how to handle things and how to close. Do you have any questions?' He reads. How the hell am I going to do this? I can't just skip all my lectures? Not that that really changes anything.

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