Chapter 10- Always

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You looked up from your lap and noticed Sam had gotten out of the car, which you then noticed was parked. You got out of the seat and shut the door slowly, looking around at the open fields before you. There was the start of a forest in the distance and an endless sky with thousands of stars.
Sam took your hand and started walking so you followed on. Your hands were cold and his warm. Your feet were dragging and his striding.
"I'm sorry about your Mom," he said, giving your hand a squeeze, "you didn't deserve that. And your brother was so lucky to have you as a sister."
Your eyes teared up and you let a tear fall as he continued walking. To keep up with him, you picked up speed.
"And if you ever need to talk to me about anything, anything at all. I'm always ging to be here for you, Y/N. I'm always going to be right here."
He stopped in his tracks and you looked up.

There was the city. At the bottom of the fields in the distance, the city's nightlights formed a gradient with the stars and you watched as they blinked among each other.  You watched the nightlife in silence and stared in awe.
"Please, Y/N. Don't hate yourself and think that you weren't a good enough sister. You were an incredible sister and you still are. You're an incredible person." Sam wrapped his arms around you, hugging you from behind. He pressed your back into his torso and placed a kiss on your head. "Please don't ever think you're not good enough." he whispered.

You smiled sadly, scared to break the moment, but knowing you had to say something.
"Thanks for being there for me." Your voice was quiet, but sincere.
"No, I mean it," You broke free from the hug and swiveled to face him, "I don't know where I'd be without you. As cringey as that sounds... But you've been so kind and patient and I just don't know what to say."
Sam looked at you softly, his expression kind. You looked him in the eye, something you rarely did no matter who it was, and smiled back.

You calmly placed a hand on his arm and in that moment you both understood.


Sam pulled up to the bunker, feeling his body relax at the sight of home. He glanced over to Y/N, who was half asleep.
"Hey." he whispered gently.
You hummed awake and blinked at the sight of the bunker. It's doors once seemed to loom, but now they were welcoming and familiar.
"You okay?" Sam asked.
"Yeah." You nodded and got out of the car, making your way towards the front door. You both left your bags in the boot, figuring that could wait.
Sam took your hand, his thumb running over yours, then you both went inside.

It looked just as it did when you'd left it. It looked like home.

You made your way down the steps, Sam doing his best to not be overprotective.
"Dean?" Sam's call echoed the bunker a little, followed by footsteps.
Dean turned the corner from the hallway and into sight. His eyes glanced down to where you and Sam were holding hands for just a moment and he shot you a smile.
"What did I tell ya?" He smirked.
"Shut up." You rolled your eyes. You let go of Sam's hand to go and hug Dean. Dean held you close and you hugged him tightly.
"How you doing?" He asked softly.
"I'm okay," you then added quietly so only Dean could hear, "got my knight in shining armour."
Dean chuckled, "It's good to have you home, Y/N."

Sam and Dean shared a hug, "Thanks for looking after her, Sammy."
Dean shot you a wink when Sam wasn't looking and you rolled your eyes. You could feel the emptiness of your brother's loss, but you could feel hope. Hope that life would be okay again.
Things wouldn't be the same, but they would be okay. And that was enough.

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