Chapter 6- The Pulse

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"I got you some coffee." Collin's voice sounded and you glanced over to  see your brother holding three cups. Bless that boy. You stood up and  went over to him to help with the door.
"Thanks, Col," you took two from his grip and handed Sam one, "this is Sam. Sam this is Collin."
"Hey." Sam said, his voice wavering as you were all aware the situation was a strange one to be acquianted in.
"Hey. Nice to finally meet you, even if it this."
"Thanks. Yeah, you too. I'm really sorry you're having to go through this." Sam always knew what to say.
"Thanks."  Collin put his coffee down on the small table next to the IV drip and  something told you he wouldn't be picking it back up. The coffee would grow cold and be thrown away.

You all sat in the hospital room. No one wanted to speak. No one even knew what to say if they did want to speak. The heart moniter was sendning you insane with every bleep it sounded. Every pause between felt longer and you kept thinking it was the last one. Sam had stayed with you, not that you asked him to, but you knew he'd leave if you wanted. You knew he'd stay as well. You knew he'd do anything to make sure you were okay.

There was a question Collin been thinking about asking you for almost an hour. You knew exactly what it was. You'd get angry if he asked, but he had to ask.
"Y/N?" His voice broke the echoed beeps of the machinery.
"Should we tell Mum?"
The word 'Mum' circled you and you felt guilty for wanting to say no. You sat for a minute, thinking your answer through carefully.
"She has to know, I guess."
"Yeah, but. Should we tell her know...?"
You blinked away tears and ran a hand through your hair. "I don't know, Col. It's your choice."
"Why? Why's it my choice?" Collin's voice had become louder and you felt the eggshells you were walking on begin to tremble.
"Well I can't tell her, can I?" You remarked.
Collin held back his point and looked at you. He'd never known you to snap at him. You'd always been so patient and calm. You'd always been the one to keep your cool when him and Isaac were at their breaking points. His expression said enough and he softened his gaze.
"Y/N..." He sighed, but whatever he was planning on adding lost all meaning as one of the machines began flashing and sounding out of sync.

You all rose from where you'd been sitting and hurried over to him. Collin called for the Doctor and suddenly the room was filled with hospital staff. The heart moniter pulsed like it hadn't before: unsteady and desperate.
You felt the room slow around you and watched as your brother's last breath filled the air. The Doctors and Nurses called technical names to each other in their authoritative voices and you felt uselsss. They began clawing at their last resorts, trying to keep your brother alive.

Collin stepped back next to you and looked up to you as though you had something to say to make it all better. The heart moniter slowed to a single continuous tone and you all knew it was the end. You put an arm around your brother and held him close. Collin cried into your embrace and you rested your head on his, clutching him to you.

You watched as the doctors stepped back from the hospital bed, admitting defeat. They parted ways to reveal Isaac's body laying still and lifeless.

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