Chapter 7- Care

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You sat on the bed of the hotel room, looking over to Sam's bed. Sam was outside talking to Dean on the phone. The funeral was that morning and you'd barely moved after. You'd given him a proper Hunter's goodbye, with just you and Collin. He'd gone to go and tell your Mum about Isaac. You felt bad for him, as he and Isaac never really knew your Mum the same way you knew her. Sam had kept quiet about the situation, but you could tell he was curious about it, as though he was waiting for the right time to ask. It was strange. Everything was practically back to normal. But you felt like you were lagging behind, waiting for Isaac to catch up with you.

It was also strange being back in your home country. You hadn't had a chance to take it all in. In many ways it felt as though you were still in Kansas. The night-air was beginning to set, so you took a quick shower and changed into the same T-shirt and leggings. The only clothes you really had on you other than a few pairs of jeans and shirts. When you came out of the bathroom, Sam was sat on his bed, already changed into his pijamas. He shot you that soft smile he had and you instantly felt safe.

"How you doing, bug?" He asked gently, scooching over as a silent invitation for you to join him.
You crept over and sat down next to him, "Better."
"Come here." He wrapped you in a hug and stroked your hair gently, letting you collapse into his arms. These past few days were the closest you'd been, and yet it felt so normal. As awful as it was, you'd enjoyed the excuse for the close comfort.

"I'm gonna grab some food," Sam spoke up after a few minutes, "you want anything? Even something small?"
You had barely eaten anything for the past few days so something told you he wouldn't take no for an answer. Reluctantly, you sighed and said, "Yeah just something small, thanks."
"Alright, I'll be right back." He pressed a kiss to your temple and squeezed your shoulder before heading out.

You watched him go and as the door clicked shut you felt the room become smaller and emptier. Thankfully, your phone began to ring. Dean's caller ID showed and you smiled to yourself before answering.
"Hey, De."
"Hey, kiddo," Dean's tone was washed out as he spoke, "I'm sorry about your brother."
"Yeah...I'll be okay, though." You tried to reassure him.
"I know you will."
"How did the hunt go?"
"Pretty easy. Was just a small werewolf pack."
"Just? You quoted, feeling your voice rise in amusement. Instantly, guilt flooded your system and you forced yourself to be serious.
"Yeah well, you know me. I kick ass."
There was a short pause before Dean added, "How's Sammy been treating you?"
"You've got a saint of a brother, Dean Winchester." You admitted, smiling inspite of yourself.
"Yeah. He's alright," You could hear Dean's smile through his voice, "and he really cares about you."
"Oh and you don't?" You retorted. You were enjoying the novelty of your mini arguments with the eldest Winchester. It felt homely.
"You know I care about you, Y/N...but not like Sam does."

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