Chapter 4- I Have to Go

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Sam's voice was hoarse when he said your name. You felt your breath hitch in your throat and had nothing to say that wouldn't mak yourself break down. Sam shifted in the bed, sitting upright and flicking the lamp on. "Hey, what's going on?"

You sat down on the floor, your back leaning against the side of the bed and looked up at him through teary eyes. "I have to go." You whispered.
Sam blinked his tiredness away and gently knelt down next to you, his expression was heavy with concern, "What's wrong?"
"I have to go home." You said, your voice breaking as you trailed off.
"Has something happened?" He asked. He then placed a gentle and steady hand over yours and the other on your shoulder.
"My brother," your breaths were uneven and your voice trembled, "he's in hospital. I have to go."

Sam's shoulders drooped in empathy and he curled his arms around your body, hugging you close to him. You rested your head on the dip between his chest and shoulder, "They don't think he'll even last a week."
"I'm sorry..." Sam held you close, his breaths a steady beat for you to practice against and centre yourself with. You nodded meakly against him and wiped the tears from your eyes, "I'm gonna get on the next flight...sorry I can't finish the case."
"Hey, no. Don't worry about that, okay?" Sam looked you in the eye, his expression caring and sincere, "I'll help you get home. You want me to come with you?"
You were a little taken back at his offer, having not expected it. "Oh," you said in surprise, "you should, should finish the case, Sam. I'll be okay."
You sat back up and looked at your bag, trying to see if you could figure out whether it would be allowed through customs.

"Screw the case," Sam scoffed as though it was meaningless compared to your situation, "I don't want you on your own, Y/N."
"Sam. People are dead. The case needs solving." You huffed, not meaning for it to come out so aggressively.
Sam nodded slowly to himself, "I'll call Dean, then. Or Jody. But I'm not leaving you. When's the next flight?"

"I don't know..." You admitted, realising how insane this whole situation was.
"Okay," Sam gave your hand a squeeze, "I'll look up flights. You should get some rest."
You shot Sam a look, how in God's name did he expect you to catch up on sleep with all this going on? Sam looked a little sheepish and sighed, "You need anything?"
You shook your head, leaning back on his shoulder and sighing. He pressed a kiss to your head and you thought how in any other situation you would have been over the moon for him to kiss your head. But you couldn't care less.

You stared at the wall as Sam typed away on his laptop. God knows where you'd be without him. You'd been texting back and forth with Collin and everything was the same so far. You were the eldest sibling and so had mostly spent the texts trying to reassure your brother, depsite your own state.
"There's a flight midday. We could probably make it if we head out now?" Sam suggested.
When he looked up he saw your deadpanned expression and softened his voice, "Y/N?"
"Let's go then." You said, grabbing your things and throwing your jacket on.

Sam watched as you left the room and scrambled after you.

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