Chapter 5- Room B14

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You raced through the Hospital walls, having been given the allclear by the visitor centre, and desperately searched for the right room. B14. B14. B14. Sam had gone to find a hotel room to put your stuff in and park the car, but you couldn't waste any time. He agreed to meet you there, but he was partly just trying to give you space. The flight had been almost unbearable. Trapped in that machine, unable to help, unable to even contact Collin and make sure things were okay.

You turned the corner and saw the right room. "B14" you said to yourself, halting in front of the door and you took in a deep breath to prepare yourself. "Col?" You said, peering round the door.

There was Collin, fast asleep in one of the chairs next to the bed. The bed. Isaac's body lay still , his chest barely moving as he breathed in and out. The heart moniter pulsed and you took slow steps towards your youngest brother. "Hey Isaac. It's me." You whispered, careful not to wake Collin.
Isaac was attatched to so many machines and drips and moniters you struggled to accept that they were all that was keeping him alive. There were bandages around his leg and a cast keeping his neck in place. You perched on the side of the bed and took his hand. It was much warmer than you had expected. You gently ran your thumb over his, a tear rolling down your cheek, "It's okay, love. I'm here."

"Y/N!" Collin got up from his chair, his eyes were reddened and puffy.
"Hey, Col." You smiled through teary eyes and gave Isaac's hand a squeeze before letting go so you could go to hug Collin. You shared an embrace, Collin's body shook in your hold and you held him close. "It's gonna be okay." You whispered reassuringly, but neither of you knew for sure what that meant in this case.

Your phone buzzed, the banner of Sam's text appearing. "Sam's here," you told Collin, "he came with me on the plane. But if you don't want him in here with us that's fine. Whatever you're comfortable with."
"No, that's okay." Collin shook his head. He always gets apathetic when he's upset.
"Alright." You said softly and replied to Sam.

"You want a coffee or anything?" Collin asked and you noticed his gaze was avoiding Isaac completely. You felt as though he was begging for a reason to leave the room and gave him a tight smile, "Yeah, thanks."

When Collin left the room you pulled up the empty chair next to where Isaac lay and took his hand back in yours. "I love you so much, Isaac. We both do. And we're so proud of you," your voice trembled as you held your sobs back, "and you can let go. It's okay. We just don't want you to be in pain anymore, sweetheart."
You composed yourself, wiping the tears away with the edges of your fraying sleeves and watched his heart moniter as though it would stop beeping if you looked away.

A soft knock came at the door and Sam entered, throwing you a sympathetic head tilt. You smiled weakly, "Hey."
"How you holding up?" He asked, walking so he was stood over you and putting his hands on your shoulders caringly.
"He hated yellow." You said, ignoring Sam's question. The rooms walls were a pale yellow. Sam noticed what you meant and gave a halfhearted chuckle.

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