Chapter 8- I'll Be Okay

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Sam's footsteps sounded, the door slowy opened and in came Sam with some snacks and things to keep you going. He placed them next to you on the bed and then sat back down beside you. You noted how close he sat.
"Thanks, Sammy." You breathed, taking a pack of cookies. You started picking at the cookie, not looking up from the crumbs.
Sam started typing away as usual, no doubt researching.
"Dean called." You mentioned, trying to find something to talk about that wasn't the obvious.
"Yeah he just wanted to see if I was okay. He asked when we were coming back..."
Sam nodded, realising he had no idea, "What did you say?"
"Just said soon. Can't say I really planned this."
"Yeah, okay. Well, there's no rush, okay?"
You nodded, but you felt like you had to leave soon. Partly for Sam's sake, this wasn't exactly fair on him, but partly for Dean's sake too. You missed Dean and the bunker. You missed home.

Sam took your hand and placed another under your chin, gently moving your gaze to his. He could tell your thoughts were racing.
"Whenever you're ready, Y/N. Okay?"
You looked at him, his eyes were warm and he had a look that said he really meant what he'd said. You took his hands in yours and nodded, smiling up at him through glassy eyes. "Okay. Thanks, Sam."

Your phone buzzed, a message from Collin: Call me when you get this. You sighed and rang your brother, sitting a little further away from Sam as to not seem too rude.
"Everything okay?" You asked when he picked up.
"Yeah, but I wanted to give you a heads up."
"For what?"
"I told Mum."
"Oh..." Your gaze flickered across the room as though some sort of object could ground you.
"She's uh, pretty mad we didn't tell her."
"Well he...he was her kid..." you caught eyes with Sam for a moment, who was frowning a little with confusion.
"Hardly," Collin admitted and, for the first time, you realised that Collin wasn't as fond of your Mum as you thought, "but yeah. I think she might try and call you."
You pressed a finger nail into your thumb and nodded slowly to yourself, "Okay, well, I probably won't be picking up."
"Yeah, maybe that's for the best."
"Hey, Col?"
"You'll be okay, right? When I go back."
There was a pause that felt like an age. Collin's voice was honest, "Yeah. Yeah I'll be okay."
"I won't go if you want me to stay. I don't mind-"
"No, Y/N. You've got a life in America. And I've got one here. I have good friends. I'll be just fine."
"Alright. You better be." You smiled slightly.
"When do you think you'll go back?" Collin asked.
"Not sure. I only really have you to worry about, so-"
"So go." Collin said. You stopped in shock.
"Already?" You huffed.
"Yeah. Y/N, I love you being here, but like I said you've got a whole life back in Kansas."
"I guess you're right."
"And one thing's for sure."
You tilted your head curiously, "What's that?"
"You and Sam."
"Hm?" You felt your cheeks blush and your eyes flickered over to Sam, who was staring at his laptop. Thank God you weren't on loudspeaker.
"Come on, Y/N. The man followed you all this way just so you wouldn't be alone. I think he might like-like you."
You chuckled despite everything and Sam smiled at the sound.
"You're unbelievable." You sighed, but your smile came through in your tone.
"Isaac would've asked him out for you by now." Collin chuckled and you smirked at the thought. He was right.

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