Chapter 2- The Motel

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"Dean was weird, right? Like, it's not just me?" Sam asked you, glancing at you briefly before turning his attention back towards the road.
You felt a little strange sitting in shotgun.
"Yeah. But then again, Dean's always been kinda weird." You mentioned, making Sam chuckle.
"Yeah I guess you're right. Hey, here's the motel."
The motel sign looked as dimly lit as any other and you had no doubts the rooms would be just as disappointing. As you grabbed your bags from the boot, you studied the flicker in the 'M' of Motel, as though it would go out any second.

You followed Sam into the reception area where a woman was busy typing away. "Evening," Sam smiled, "do you have any 2 beds available?"
"Sorry honey we're almost full. There's one with a double, though." The woman didn't even look up from her screen as she spoke, the fuzz of the pixels reflecting in her glasses.
You felt your cheeks heat up as Sam turned to silently ask whether that would be okay. In all honesty, you couldn't think of anything worse than sharing a bed with Sam.
"I don't mind." You shrugged, trying to keep cool. It's no big deal. Just friends sharing a bed. It's for the job.
"We can look for somewhere else if you'd be more comfortable?" Sam said gently. He was so caring and you couldn't help but wish he was a little more eager to share the room with you.
"No it's fine. Honestly, I don't mind."

Sam swallowed and handed his card over to the receptionist, his heart beating fast. Y/N didn't seem to care, which made him disappointed. He'd hoped for a little more of a reaction.

The room was just as you'd expected. Peeling wallpaper accompanied that same dusty smell all motels shared. The bathroom door was ajar, revealing an off-white sink that had some questionable markings on it's tiling. "Well, it's not so bad." Sam said reassuringly as he placed his bag at the foot of the bed.
"Yeah. I guess it's for the best that Dean didn't come. Three of us would be a bit of a squeeze." You huffed, making Sam smile.
"Yeah that's true. I'm gonna take a shower."

Sam closed the bathroom door behind him and you perched on the edge of the bed, searching through your backpack for the phone charger. After plugging in your phone and nipping back to reception to get a few packets of crisps from the vending machine, you took off your shoes and sat cross legged on the bed, reading over the article for any obvious clues you might have missed. Your phone buzzed with a text from Dean: Id say let me know if u need ur ass saving but you've got ur knight in shining armour with u ;)
You scoffed, but smiled nonetheless and replied with a quick 'ur unbelievable' before tossing your phone back on the bed sheets, turning your attention back to the article.

The bathroom door clicked open and out came Sam, his hair a damp mess. He had grey trackies and a long sleeved T-shirt on. You held back a look of awe and shot him a quick smile before reluctantly looking away.
"Researching?" He asked.
"Hardly," you admitted, closing the laptop shut, "you better have flushed."
You cringed at your attempt to act cool and breezy before ducking into the bathroom with your bag.

After showering, you spent a good ten or so minutes checking you looked alright in your oversized T-shirt and leggings. But you soon scoffed at your school-girl behaviour and went back into the room.
Sam was sat on the bed with his back against the headboard, his laptop on his lap. His kind smile found your gaze and you suddenly felt that school-girl embarrassment once more.
"I uh," Sam snapped out of his daze, "found something...I think."
"Yeah?" You stammered, crawling next to him and leaning over to read the page.

Sam tensed at how close you were and cleared his throat to try and compose himself.

There was another article, only this one had information on how the teenagers missing were all from the same street. "Interesting." You noted, your eyes narrowing as you filtered through the possibilities.
"We can figure it out over breakfast." Sam made a strangely quick end to his point and closed his laptop. You suddenly realised how close you were to him and sat back, fumbling for your phone. It had an unread from Dean: i know B) .

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