Chapter 3- The Phone Call

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You couldn't sleep being so close to Sam. You could feel the rise and fall of his breath lightly tug against the sheets, hear his gentle snores and feel his leg shift against yours. You tensed at the touch and shifted away, lying on your back and staring up at the ceiling. It's swirling textures gave you something to look at, but they quickly became tediuous. Your phone buzzed from the floor, making you jump a little at the sudden noise. It was your brother. With a quick glance to make sure Sam hadn't woken up, you snatched the phone and motel key, slipped on your trainers and went outside.

"He-" Before you'd even managed a hello, Collin started talking.
"You need to come home, Y/N."
You drew a breath in and attempted to keep your voice from panicking, "What's wrong?"
"No..." His voice cracked and you heard a faint quick breath, "he's in a coma."
You felt the world slow to a halt and let your back rest against the cold harsh wall of the motel, sliding to the floor. "What happened?" You didn't know what else to say.
"He was in a car accident. Y/N, they don't think he's gonna make it..." Collin sobbed and shook.
You held back a cry and brought your spare hand to your mouth in shock. Just breath.
"How-" You could barely get the words out to ask, "how long does he have?"
"A week," Collin whispered faintly, "maybe days."
"Oh God..."

You felt your body shake against the wall and rubbed your hand over your knee, trying desperately to bring your focus elsewhere. "Okay," your voice was shaking, but it had sincerity to it, "okay. I'll get back as soon as I can, okay? Tell him I'm coming."
"Okay. Tell me when you're close."
"I will, sweetheart."
You pressed the hang-up button and let yourself sit on the floor. Your arms were covered in goosebumps and the breeze was sending chills along your spine, but you hardly noticed. You sat there for quite some time. A tense jaw, blinking away tears and just trying to breath.

But you had to get home, so you stumbled up from the floor and crept back inside. The alarm clock on the windowsill blinked '4am' at you tantanisingly. Sam was still asleep, having rolled over to his side. If it was any darker it would look like he was staring at you. You crept over to your bag and started packing your essentials, taking shakey pauses to catch your breaths. Just breath.

You began to shiver a little, aware how cold the nights were when there was no duvet cover to warm you. You heard Sam shift in the bed and froze, praying he was only moving in his sleep.


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