Chapter 15

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"How do you feel about a married member?"


They all looked at me and then laughed, and Raea, the leader came up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. 

"Oh we just have to kill you and I have to find another person to fill your and another's spot" she said her face getting dead serious, but the others couldn't keep up with her. In fact they couldn't hold it together at all really. 

"Just kidding, having a husband is fine, in fact half of us are married before you. I am married to a vampire assassin in the demon lands, met him on the job, and he was the target, but the guild let it go since he was no longer a threat as soon as he stopped draining people of their spirit in large cities, and pledged himself to me. In fact all of us have met some sort of love interest on the job, but sadly for Trixie, Belle, and Trilithony, they haven't found anyone yet"

"Who's the lucky male that got himself involved with your badass self" Trixie asked and everyone looked at me, I rubbed the back of my head and looked at the ceiling. 

"Hopefully we won't have to meet him on one of our missions" I said making sure that Stealthwave knew that he wasn't to get involved with us unless it was a critical/dire need that couldn't be avoided. 

"Aw, that's too bad" Raea said and then she and Sam grabbed my arms and started to drag me somewhere with Raea saying "well, it's time to go." 

"What's happening?" I asked the two dragging me with iron grips

"It's dinner time, and I do not want to be late for today's feast" Charm said behind me, her eyes were on fire and I could imagine the drool and a fork and knife in her hands. Raea and Sam agreed anxiously and we were at the dining hall in under three minutes. The girls basically sprinting down halls, steps, and doors to get there. 

"What's for dinner tonight?" I asked but Raea shushed me and motioned to the podium where a Tiger-man was walking up from the left side. His face was slightly pushed outwards, with slight whiskers extending from his cheeks, his head had two round Tiger ears protruding from the top, his tail was lashing behind him, and his hands were furred with claws at tips, but still human-like, and holding something. 

"Thank you for coming to this special evening, I am the Guild Master, Resurge, and we have a very important event that we are celebrating today, and thanks to the Dragon Assassins, who seem to have gained a new member as of today, that this entire dinner has been possible." He pointed at us and the others grinned like crazy and everyone clapped for them, well us, I didn't know what for, and they must not have either, so I saw it as just pure respect. 

"Tonight's course is a rarity that we only get every once a few decades" Resurge said walking over to the covering and grabbing one end before ripping it away to reveal a Black Dragon head with it's mouth open, ready to bite. "The dragon meat from a ten thousand year old rarity, the Emperor Species of Dragons, its a little lower than normally brought in by the group, but it'll do for this occasion" 

My stomach dropped at the sight and I immediately tested my link to Stealth

Don't worry, I am still here, and I'm not planning on becoming food anytime soon I breathed in relief at this but I'm not mad, to think that I should be, but they probably don't see dragons very often so this must be a very special thing for them.

I am not eating it I said through the link, the others were looking at me curiously, and I smiled at them reassuringly. 

I don't care if you do or don't, but you better have a decent excuse it you don't he said and then cut the link. He was right, I would need to think of a good excuse to either not eat the dragon-meat, or some way to get out of eating all together, so I started thinking, and the Tiger-man, Resurge, started to talk again. 

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