Chapter 14

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Artemis' POV

We flew for a short while talking about what had happened earlier and then it turned into laughing, mainly me, at the fact that Stealthwave got stuck in a mountain. In fact we were so distracted that we almost didn't see the city until we were practically on top of it. Stealthwave dived so fast once we saw we were in the range of the city's eyesight. He practically crashed into the land on purpose, causing us both to sit in a large crater of our creation dazed.

I was the first one to shake myself out of it, and once I brushed myself off I punched Stealth in the maw, making him snap out of it as well and into defensive mode looking around for threats. Then he realized what had happened and he sat and rubbed his maw with a paw, and I smirked at his mock offended look once he realized that I'd punched him.

What was that for?! He yell-whined through the link and I cringed slightly at the loudness of his voice and then I smacked him lightly, or tried to at least. He jumped back out of range, and I rolled my eyes and climbed out from the crater he had created.

"That was for crashing us into the damn ground you stupid fool" I growled and he raised an ear.

Huh? What? I don't think I heard your thank-you correctly he grinned toothlessly and I huffed and shot an arrow at him, making him duck as it passed by over his head. He walked over to me cautiously and we both looked at the walls of the city in thought.

From what I saw on the mountains, there one giant outer wall as the only thing protecting the entire city, and the entire place is just a maze of buildings, alleys, and shops. There were two bigger buildings in the city from what I saw, a library and a city hall maybe...or something like that Stealth stated reading my mind as I wondered what the structure of the city was. I nodded in thanks absentmindedly and then turned to him making him look at me curiously.

"Unless you can turn into a human again, I won't be able to bring you in with me" I said to him and he nodded

I know that, just don't give me a reason to tear in there and destroy the place to look for you I smiled at his protectiveness, but I formed two knives in my hands and motioned to my bow, which was hanging on my back with the string diagonally crossing over my chest, and he rolled his eyes.

"I'll be fine" I said letting the knives disappear and Stealth looked around for a bit at the trees around us and the plain that we were in before leaping forwards and jumping into a tree before dipping his head under the branch he was on to look at me.

I'll be at the edge of the forest just in case you need help he said and then shot forwards into the forest without a single noise following him. I shook my head at his protectiveness and then shot into the forest after him, in the direction of the city. I reached the edge of the forest without a problem, and I saw more crops in front of me, surrounding the entire city. I guess even they needed to grow things on their own just in case trading didn't go well that year. I looked around for Stealth, but didn't see him anywhere near, and instead I saw a road to my right. It looked like the entrance into the city. When I got to it I looked towards the city and found their gates open and accepting to anyone that came around.

When I was in sight of the two guards by the entrance they both stepped forwards, drawing steel swords with glowing symbols on them and their metal armor. I didn't know what kind of metal it was but I was going to know what it and the symbols all over them were soon enough. The two men stopped me about ten feet from the entrance and I looked at them with raised hands, just to show that I meant no harm.

"What is your purpose here?" the left one with a shield attached to his right hand asked and I put my hands down slowly to rest at my sides casually.

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