~Part 23 | Premier Day~

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It was finally the day of the premier. It was a bit nerve-racking getting ready, I had to make sure I looked perfect. Kate and Noah got ready and were done first because they didn't have to do any make-up or hair, curse their perfect genes. Finn was taking forever in the bathroom so I went to check on him.

"Bub, are you okay?" I asked walking into the bathroom.

"Just having trouble with my tie, I think I got it," He looped and folded but nothing worked, "Nevermind, I don't" We laughed for a second and I helped him, my father taught me how when I was younger.

"And there we go!" I look at him through the mirror, to find him looking at me. "What?" I looked at him and he was just staring.

"I love you" he whispers

"I love you too," you hug him and peck him on the lips before sitting down to do your makeup. After about 35 minutes Finn started to get bored of sitting and playing on his phone.

"Y/nnn, are you almost done?" He layed his head on my lap and looked up at me.

"Just highlighter and lip gloss, 5 more minutes," I said brushing off baking powder. About 6 minutes later, I was done. "Okay, I'm done."

"Babe, that was 5 minutes and 38 seconds. You lied to me" He looked at me with a pout on his face.

"Come on, we have to get to the venue," We headed out to the living room space to see Millie and Kate making tik toks, Noah, Millie's Boyfriend, and Caleb playing on the PS4, and all the parents gathered getting ready to leave.

"Come on kids, we have to be there in an hour!" Kate's mom said loud enough for all of us to hear. We all head downstairs and got into 2 limo's, parents with one bodyguard, teens with 2 bodyguards. The car ride was short but we had to sit in the limo waiting to get escorted to the carpet. About 15 minutes later they finally let us out of the limo, we all head to the start of the carpet and got into our groups.

Millie and her boyfriend went first, the lady walked out with the nameplate and they followed behind. After them, went Sadie and Caleb, then it was Finn and I. Walking down was a little nerve-racking because everyone was screaming and shouting your name at once. We walked down 2/3's of the carpet for pictures for about 20 minutes. The last part was the camera interviews.

"Finn?" I whisper in his ear while walking over to the next carpet.

"Yeah?" He could tell I was worried.

"Can we keep this secret for a bit longer?" I asked, not knowing how he would respond.

"Of course babe, let's just say we came as friends and swerve around any relationship related questions." He whispered back into my ear, he could tell I liked the idea because of the smile on my face.

We arrived at the second part of the carpet, looking behind me, I see Kate and Noah taking pictures on the photo part. I smirk at Finn, and he looks behind. Shaking his head back at me and laughing. We get called up to an Interview and I was going pretty smooth until they asked.

"So, are you two in a relationship?" The interviewer giving us a cocked eyebrow.

"Haha, no we are not dating," Finn said laughing, I had to play along so I chuckled a bit. I could tell the interviewer didn't believe us but she couldn't confirm anything to the supporters without us saying so. Interview after interview still being asked the same question using the same response was quite funny, after 30 minutes of paps toucher we finally got to the movie hall.

The movie was amazing, even if I fell asleep for a few minutes of it. The red carpet was tiring. Me and Finn had to skip the after-party to get to his house. We said bye to everyone and we were on the way to his house.

Finn's POV

Y/n and I were on the way to my house. My brother is gonna bother her so while driving I was texting him setting rules and boundaries.

Nick: Are you almost home?

Finn: Like 25 min away

Nick: Can't believe you went from saying her name in ur sleep to dating her

Finn: Yeah, shocking I can attract girls

Nick: You said it not me....

Finn: Shut up
You have some rules you have to follow

Nick: Whyyyyy, rules are for babies!

Finn: Okay, well then she wont come over and ill visit alone tmr

Nick: Fine!
What are they?

Finn: No sexual jokes, no slapping anyones butts, no screaming, no embarrasing stories, baby pictures are off limits unless dad shows them, no talking about my crush on that girl in 2nd grade. got it?

Nick: I'm gonna keep slapping your ass but yknow the rest are chill

Finn: If you mess this up istg

Nick: Calm down, ill be ReSpEcTfUl

Finn: well be there in 15 min


Oml thank you so much for getting me on the #1 hashtag for finnwolfhard! I have been freaking out all day. Thank you M's  for writing half of this chapter for me! <3 2 more chapters after this! Thank you so much for reading and voting!
(892 words)

I Think I'm In Love| A Finn Wolfhard FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now