~Part 5| Cafe Fiasco~

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Y/n, Kate , and Mille hung out almost every day for the first 2 weeks of there trip. They convinced their parents that they didn't need their bodyguards because they had Millie with them. They went out to lunch in a cafe when Millie got a phone call from Finn.

Phone Conversation

"What now Finn?"

"What does love feel like"

"Why can't you ask this later, I'm at lunch with Y/n and Kate"

"Aww I wish I was there"

"I don't, why do you want to know what love feels like"

"I think I'm in love"

"With who" All of a sudden there was a loud "boom" sound. "Hold that though"

"Wha-"  Millie hangs up the phone and runs back to the table.

End of Phone Conversation

"Holy Shizlenuts," Kate says quietly

"Kate shut-up for one second," Y/n says 

"Where is she!" The unknown person says

"Where is who?" A random person asks.

"Millie Bobby Brown," He says with an evil chuckle.

"Why do you need her?" Kate stands up and says loudly.

"Kate get the heck back down," y/n says tying to get her to sit down.

"Well, Well, who are you?" the man says relaxed.

"The names Kate , and who the heck are you," she said with a smart tone.

"What is she doing" Millie whispered.

"I don't know" y/n replied with worry.

"Leave...." Kate whispers.

"Millie...Run! Call the cops then, go to our hotel, room 305 top floor...NOW!"

Millie crawls onto the floor from under there booth and runs out the door. The ran to the hotel. While Kate kept distracting the guy. She held a random conversation until the guy remembered why he was there.

"Hey! Where is Millie!?" he said strictly.

"You never answered my question! Why did you need Millie?" Kate replied while picking up her croissant.

"She owes me." he said with a firm fist.

"Well I'm sorry she's not here anymore, she left like 2 hours ago," Kate said while taking bites of her food and siting calmly

"Do you know where she went?..." the man asked getting slightly angry at the girl.

"Yeah.." Kate said eating more of her chocolate croissant.

"Well...." the man said impatiently.

"Well...what?" Kate said swallowing her food.

"Where is she?!" he said angrily. Pointing the gun at her, Kate forgot he had a gun and before he could shoot her she screamed.

"She's at her house! 294 Buckled lane, take and left then 2 rights, the 1 story house with roses in the front!" She said trying to catch her breath.

"How do I not know, you aren't lying..."

"Do you think I want to get shot! No! Go get Millie, I don't like her anyway! Oh yeah, she's leaving for Canada in a few hours so you might wanna hurry!" Kate said trying to cover up her lie.

The man runs out of the cafe quickly when he is met with loads of policemen and women. The 2 girls ran down the streets with all there might. Kate still having a piece of food in her mouth and you hold all of your belongings. You ran into the hotel and ran up the stairs. You found Millie on your bed, talking on the phone. 

"Yeah, same, oh wait call you back-"

"Oh my gosh you're safe" Kate ran to her and hugged her.

"Kate, you are crazy and if you ever do that again, Millie will not be going to lunch with us anymore," Y/n said to the girl clinging onto Millie.

"What in the world was all that about" Mille said confused on the situation.

"I don't even know. Kate gave him a fake address and the cops got him." Y/n said joinning the hug.

"I think we should get the guards back," Kate said licking the chocolate of her lips.

"Yes, you should" Millie chuckled.

The girls stayed in their room and watched movies and ordered loads of room service. Kate passed out cuddling with her 2 gigantic bears she couldn't leave at home. Millie trying to stay awake. Y/n finishing the popcorn bowl still into the movie It was about 10 pm and the girls had enough of the day. It was about 10:30 pm when there was a knock. 

"Who could that be," Millie said half awake. 

"I don't know, answer it together?" Y/n said scared it could be the creepy man from earlier.

The girls got up to the door and opened it slightly, Millie peeked threw and smiled. Y/n saw Millie's face and opened the door all the way to reveal...


But it was all a dream.


A/n: How do you like it so far? <3

(724 words)

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