~Part 7|Truth or Dare in Central Park~

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"Kate, Millie, Y/n, Okay let's head out to the hotel" Kate 's Mom made sure we were all here before getting into the taxi.

"Mom, after we get settled in we are going to head to times square," Kate told her mother.

"Okay that's fine, the rest of the parents are going to the headquarters. Be back before mid-night" She said from the middle row of the van.


We finally made it to the hotel. Kate was on her phone smiling the entire car ride, I wonder what's up. I unpacked my bags and placed all of my clothes in the closet. Millie and Kate were editing there intro for the 2 Million Subscribers video. Maybe that why she was smiling. Oh well. It was about 5:30 and we were all ready to leave. The bodyguards walked up a few blocks to get to where we were meeting Noah. 

Noone's POV

Millie was excited to see Noah because she has not seen him in a while. Y/n was excited to make a new friend and to tease Kate about it. Speaking of Kate , she was freaking out in her head, trying to stay normal on the outside.

"Millie!!!!" Someone yelled from 10 ft away.

"Schnappers" They hugged each other for a while and talked and then Millie introduced us.

"This is Y/n and this is Kate "

"So this is the pretty one," Noah said pointing to Y/n, "And this is the Fan Girl," he said pointing to  Kate .

"Are you saying I'm not pretty..." Kate said to make her seem confident even though she was nervous. 

"No No, you are pretty too!! Don't get me wrong," Noah winked, Kate chuckled,  "It's just that Finn calls her pretty and calls you...." he realizes what he said, after looking at your shook face. "Ahh man, Finn's gonna kill me!!"

"Can you and Finn just get married already.?" Kate and Millie at the same time asked like a normal and totally not weird question.

"I swear, I know you from somewhere...have we meet.," Noah asked Kate trying to remember. "Omg! Your Kate Lawnter from YouTube!!"

"Hold the fudge nuggets up, you watch her channel," Y/n said chocking on air.

"Yeah, nice job on 2 Mil" Noah said high fiving the smol girl still shook.

"Have you ever wondered who he crush is?" Y/n said with a smirk.

"Y/n don't you dare, I will call Finn right now and expose you," Kate said trying to hide her very noticeable deep dimples or her light darkish skin. 

"Actually I have, who is it," He asked confused at the 3 girls looking at each other. Millie and Y/n start to laugh causing everyone to look at them and start to recognize who they are.

"Oh my god! It's Y/n L/n, Kate Lawnter, Millie Bobby Brown and Noah Schnapp!" A random girl said. She ran up to us and so did a bunch of other people. The bodyguards made people move out of your way and you all walked into (fave restaurant). You all sat in a booth, Kate , and Noah on one side and you and Millie on the other. You talked about dumb things and forgot about Noah asking who Kate's crush was. Y/n orders a big plate of spaghetti for Kate and Noah and gets her and Millie (fave food). It was about 8:45 once you finished eating. The whole time Y/n and Millie laughing at Kate and Noah. 

"Can we go walk around a park or something?" Kate asked.

"Ooo let's walk around the central park," Millie said smirking. The four kids sat at a table, "Truth or Dare?

"Yes!" Y/n squealed!

"Okay, umm who goes first, "Kate asked nervously.

"I will! Y/n, truth or dare?" Millie starting at y/n with a small noticeable smirk.

"Truth...." Y/n said wishing to get a question that didn't involve Finn.

"What do you think about Finn Wolfhard??...." The girl with the British accent said deviously with a now very noticeable smirk on her face.

"Umm...I mean he's really nice and sweet, he's kinda cute not gonna lie, but he probably has so secret girlfriend or something lol....umm okay" Y/n said rambling to get the answer out, she was slightly embarrassed but it felt nice to get off her chest.

"Ooooo! Sounds like someone has a crush on Finn," Noah says teasing Y/n 

"Noah, you can't say anything you have a crush on Mughshugh-" Millie tries to say the rest of her sentence before Noah covers her mouth with he had.

"Okay Y/n, it's your turn," Kate says laughing at Millie licking Noah's hand so he takes it off of her face.

"Ummm Noah, Truth or Dare?" Y/n says.


"Umm hold hands with Kate on the way back to the hotel!" She says with a smirk looking at Millie. Millie winks to Y/n, they have a plan.

"Uhh sure, k, Millie Truth or Dare??" Noah says.

"I dare you to talk in an American accent for a day when Kate does her British accent for a day"

"That's a piece of cake! Okay, last Kate , Truth or Dare!" Millie says laughing.

"Ummm, you know what Dare!" Kate says confidently.

"I dare you to tell your fans who your crush is"


Thanks for reading! <3

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