~Part 21 | Flying to Canada~

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Kate's POV

Today we are flying to Canada, I'm going to vlog on our trip and attempt to expose Y/n and Finn's relationship. They tell everyone they are just friends but I have to get them to expose themselves. Me and Noah planned to get Finn or Y/n to go live on Instagram and have the other call them babe or some cute name. I started packing my clothes, luckily when my room got flooded my clothes were hung up. I got done packing first so I started to record everyone who's still packing.

"What are y'all doing in here?" I entered the room to Y/n and Finn attempting to close a suitcase. 

"Kate please help us!" Y/n was desperate to get her suitcase closed.

"I weight like 80 pounds but I'll step on a suitcase." I chuckled and placed my camera angling towards us. "Okay, I'm gonna jump 3, 2, 1" The suitcase had enough pressure to get one part of the zipper done. 

"One more time," Finn said holding one zipper ready to connect to the one in Y/n's hand. "Jump.....now!" She jumped and the case closed. All of them falling to the ground out of breath. 

"That took forever! Thanks, Kate." Finn gave me a high five after I picked up my camera. I started walking to the living room to see everyone besides Y/n and Finn. Sadie on the phone with Caleb making sure he meets us at the airport on time. Millie and Noah dragging suitcases onto the elevator.

"Kate let's go, we have to leave now!" My mom was pushing me into the elevator with Noah and a bunch of suitcases. I placed my camera down and clicked the off button. The elevator takes a few minutes because we were a few stories from the highest floor. I grabbed Noah's hand and leaned on his shoulder. 

"When do you think we should tell people?" He asked after a couple of seconds.

"What kind of people, supporters or family?" I really didn't want to tell the supported because Noah's can be a little harsh.

"Maybe just telling family, for now, the supporters will catch on to us dating soon"

"That sounds okay, maybe after we expose Finn and Y/n and everyone knows about them." He shook his head, and we both laughed a little. The elevator finally arrived at the bottom floor and we pushed out the suitcases. Towards the limo to the airport. After about 20 minutes of elevator rides and putting bags in the car we were all finally headed to the airport!

Y/n's POV

We were driving to the airport, and Kate and Noah couldn't be more obvious that they were dating. I mean, I'm not really supposed to know, but everyone else is practically clueless. I was texting Finn about how cute they were being and he was laughing at me the whole time. I guess I was being a little dramatic but who wouldn't.

Everyone hopped out of the limo grabbing suitcases after everything was collected we head towards security. The paps were starting to show up so we had to move a bit quicker, Caleb joined us at the end of security. Kate and I's moms were freaking out about being late for our flight, even though we were an hour early. We finally got down to the gate, Kate and Noah sat down and went live on Instagram, Millie was planning to meet her new boyfriend at the hotel we were staying at, and Caleb and Sadie were casually flirting with each other. Our parents went to grab us drinks from Starbucks and Finn and I were talking about the premier.

"Are you excited to go?" He asked holding my hand and rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand.

"Well, I'm kind of. I'm not used to big crowds. 100-500 but 5000 celebrities. That's big." I was really nervous, what would people think of me?

"Babe, it's nothing to worry about. We stand in line, walk down the red carpet, take pictures, answer questions. And then we watch the movie. Kinda like a movie theater but you take pictures before going in." He explained to me the whole process, once she was done the parents came back with the food. 

~mini timeskip~

The airline had called our flight number and we head through the hall to get to the plane. The plane had two passenger capsules. Finn and I in one, Kate and Noah together. Millie and Sadie in one, Caleb shared one with his mom, and Kate and I's moms and dads were together. We buckled up and started to take off, about 30 min later we were in the air.

Kate and Noah were filming random skits, while I and Finn were watching a movie. Let's just say I kept an eye on the two, Finn could tell I was checking on them every five minutes or so making sure they aren't ruining their relationship somehow. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his chest to cuddle. After about 10 minutes, I slowly started to fall asleep.

Finn's POV

I felt Y/n fall asleep on my chest, she has been really stressed on Noah and Kate and it's become a small problem. I have to talk to Noah about it but don't want to ruin her fun because she found out what their plan was. I sat running my fingers through her hair, we still had about 4 hours left on the flight so I started to dose off and drift into sleep.

Sorry for the small chapter today :( School is getting harder. Also, everyone make sure you are washing up and trying not to get COVID-19 <3
~941 Words)~

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