24) Bubble

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Never Seen Anything Quite Like You Too.

24) Bubble

I reached into my little bag and drew out my keys. They say that the night is young when dusk settles. Seeing as the sky is now a pure black like the starless night I had painted in my painting of the dog howling at the moon, then shouldn't that mean that the night is old. Or at least it is for us anyway.

Glen stayed in the doorway as I walked in and rested my bag on the inside of my coat cupboard. I retrieved my phone and placed it down on the living room coffee table. I poked my head around the living room doorway to find that Glen was still standing in the doorway.

"You can come in you know?" I said.

"Thanks. But I think I should get going. I still need to drive home," he said with a smile.

"Oh. Right. Yes, of course. Thank you for a wonderful night," I said.

"It's no problem, Bubble," he said cautiously trying the new nickname he had given me the day I had spilled my heart out to him but had stopped using the day he had messed my painting up and I told him to go away.

"Hmm I think I'm going to have to come up with a nickname for you now," I said.

"Glen is just fine," he said.

"So is Siena,"

"Siena isn't a name grand enough to describe you,"

" ... And Bubble is?" I asked whilst laughing.

"A bubble can be many things. It can fly upwards higher than most things-"

"Until the atmosphere gets too heavy and it pops," I interrupted.

"A Bubble is so delicate that it needs care,"

"Or else it pops,"

"A bubble can be a big enough for two-"

"But not three or else it pops,"

"You know if Mark was here he would have come up with something dirty then," Glen said and laughed. I caught on and mirrored his laugh.

"Way to ruin the moment Glen,"

"It was almost as if Mark was actually here," He said with a grin.


A gust of wind blew through the air. Harmless at first but when accompanied with a game of wind it made Glen shiver from head to toe.

"You had better get going," I said.

He nodded stiffly. It was as if all of his limbs had been turned to ice. Poor soul. He leaned forward into the warmth of my house for a few seconds to plant a kiss on my cheek.

"See you tomorrow Siena," Glen said.


"I have things I want to discuss with you," He said and with that he walked off.


A knock on my door aroused me from my sleep. I ignored it until my phone started buzzing underneath my pillow. I reached under my pillow and dragged my phone out. Not bothering to look at who was calling I answered.

"What?! I was sleeping," I said irritably.

"Keyword. Was. Now open the door," Glen said down the phone

"Glen it's fucking ..."

"Half past nine sleepy head," he said.

"Urgh. I actually hate you for waking me up,"

"Thanks Bubble!" He said cheerfully and hung up.

After making my way downstairs and unlocking the door I yelled for him that it is open and ran up the stairs before he could see my bed head and pjs.

"Siena?" Glen called.

"Go to the living room I shall meet you down there," I shouted from my bedroom.

After flinging on a clean pair of jeans, a shirt and a hoodie and letting my hair have a war with the hairbrush, I ran back down the stairs and into the living room.

"Tea or coffee?" I gasped.

"Calm down. There's no hurry. Tea please," Glen said slowly.

I nodded and wandered out into the kitchen where I picked up his now trademark blue cup and my white cup and made one tea for Glen and a coffee for me. When mornings come about it's coffee or nothing, for me.

I returned into the living room with both cups in hand and handed the blue mug to Glen. He looked at the cup and smiled.

"So what is it that you wanted to discuss?" I asked.

Glen shuffled a little bit and then leant forward.

"Actually it's about what your Dad told those artists,"

"What about it?" I asked.

Glen took a sip of his tea and a relaxed smile came on his face.

"Well. Was it true?" He asked.

"Most of it,"

"Elaborate?" He asked.

"Yes. I support new life and new beginnings. No. I was born in June not July. Yes I did get suspended in October during my third year of secondary school. No I didn't have a miscarriage in a winter month," I said.

"Why would your father make something like a miscarriage up?" He asked his eyes glaring.

"Because I told him it was a last minute miscarriage when really it was a still birth," I said and looked away from his eyes.

I heard a cup being out down on the coffee table and arms going around me. I turned to look Glen in the eyes and felt my own brim with tears.

"It's okay. I've got you," he soothed.

"My partner left after I was unable to bore him a child. Said I wasn't good enough just like that twat of a friend of yours said,"

"Oh Siena. I wish I could make things alright for you," he said.

I shook my head.

"You've done enough," I whispered.

We stayed in that embrace for a while. He whispered soothing words into my ears and rubbed my knuckles with one of his thumbs and my back with his other palm. Like my Mother used to do when I had suffered from an episode.

"What about the Summer month. If you're not born in July then when were you born?" He asked.

"June. Close enough. Father was always mixing mine and my cousin's birthdays up," I said.

"You're his daughter though!"

"Shows how much he likes me then don't it?" I asked.

Once I had calmed down Glen brought his tea close to him and cradled it.

"Mr Blue Cup again I see," he said.

"It matches your eyes," I said and shrugged.

"Do you have a brown mug to match yours?"

"Somewhere. I prefer white though," I said.

"Just like a bubble," he said.


"Well when kids draw bubbles what colours do they tend to draw them?"


"Yes but with that bit of light in the corner which they leave white. Blue and white. We are each others' bubble," he said.

Bubble. I think I like that name.

A/N: Thanks for all of your support with the Wattys 2014. However if we want a Script fan fic to win then we are going to need a lot more help so please tell your followers and your wattpad friends to read and vote. So please VOTE and comment. Do as you please.

Never Seen Anything Quite Like You Too (A The Script Fan-fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant