26) Confused

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Never Seen Anything Quite Like You Too:

26) Confused.

The attention I was getting at first was quite good. It made me feel special that people were noticing that I had been losing some weight. Some even asked what my diet secret was and I just told them to take the phrase 'watch what you eat' very seriously.

But I wasn't doing this for attention. I didn't want people looking at me in any other way than they would normally. I really don't. If I'm losing weight and they like me because I'm some stick thin bitch then they can stick their friendship right up their assholes. It's as simple as.

I did this for the control. For the sense of control. I love being able to control the way my body looks and how I can change it so easily. Of course it takes a bit of time and I can't exactly control but that doesn't bother as such because instant results are not what I am after. I'm after something that will show my arduous fight for control. So this taking some time shows how strenuous this has been.

Have you ever tried those little cheese pockets? They're basically melted cheese wrapped in a thick layer of pastry. They're 250 calories each and I eat two of these a day and drink plenty of water. This makes my calorie count around five hundred a day. I know I should be having a out five times the amount daily but I don't care. It produces amazing results and it gives me control.

Glen came storming up to my studio door at around midday. It was the day after Danny had kissed me. I was looking out of my window ... Also known as my studio television, and I saw him hurrying up the path with that glare on his face he has when he's found out something that has upset him or angered him.

I scrambled out of my armchair and raced to the studio door, opening it before he had managed to knock on the door. He halted and stood and looked at me in surprise.

"Saw you coming," I explained.

His confused expressions dissipated and his face softened. He brushed past me and entered my studio taking a casual look around at he new paintings that were drying on the shelves. He pointed at the painting of a tabby cat digging his paw in the water of a fish bowl trying to get the goldfish inside.

"That one's funny," he complimented.


I strode over to the kitchen and pulled out his standard blue mug from the cupboard and my white one from the drainer. I made him his cup of tea and filled my mug with water and brought them into the studio area.

"Gone off tea?" He asked.

"Slightly yeah,"

"And I thought we were friends,"

"We are, aren't we?"

"The tea thing might put a veneer in the ledge stopping the joint from making the complete fit,"

"I still like tea and coffee I just don't drink them often,"

"Hmm ... Okay ... Bubble," he said.

I sipped my water whilst he sipped his tea. The word 'bubble' sent a surge of pleasure going through my mind and body. It's the fact that someone likes me enough to put up with all of my shit and all of his friend's shit just to have me as a friend. I owe him the best I can give.

"So what brings you here today?" I asked.

He took another sip of his tea before setting his cup down on the coffee table and placing his eyes right in line with my own.

"I think you know," he said.

"Um ... You may have to elaborate, Glen,"

"Fucking Danny!" He said, raising his voice slightly.

"Ah," I said.

"Ah? That's all you have to say?"

"Wait why are you going on at me like I have done something wrong?"

"You- you're unbelievable. I come storming up to your studio. You come running up to the door with one big smile on your face. You make me a cup of tea and Ben you have the audacity to ask me what the reason is as to why I am here and then you have the blatant dishonour to deny knowing anything... Goodness ... What the heck did I even see in you, Siena?" He said.

"I'm sorry ... What?!"

"There you go again! Well fuck this. You can forget the tea. After all I've done for you?! You go and do this?! No Siena his just isn't on. Not on at all. You've turned into an anorexic ... Goodness knows what but I do not like the person you have become. So like I said before you can stick your crap right back up your own asshole. I was being polite to you before. Joking around. Trying to see if you'd crack under me being nice to you. The good cop idea. That didn't work so now it's time for bad cop. You won't ever see me again Siena. I'm gunna fuck right off because that's what we both deserve!" He said.

He got up and left. Just like that.

A/N: Okay ... Sorry if you're confused. All will be answered soon. Sorry for the short chapter but I just needed to pass the time until I was ready to sleep. I shall hopefully be updating tomorrow. Vote. Comment. Do as you please.

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