12) Alright

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I arrived at my stall to find a familiar silhouette standing there. For the past five days he's been there. In front of my stall and waiting for me to arrive. I don't get why I am so special. Perhaps he feels guilty about Danny and him stealing that painting. Glen brought it back though so he has nothing to feel guilty for. Not that it makes what Danny did any better and if he ever comes near me again I will not be responsible for any colours that fly out of my mouth or any fists that just happen to swing out of nowhere.

At least it wasn't raining today. So he can stay where he is. The past few days he's been inside my hut. He looks at my paintings and enjoys it when I bring in a new painting. He takes care looking at all the colours that I use and blend together. From Cerulean to Claret. I brought one in of a night sky with a moon and a white shape of a dog howling at the moon. He questioned why there weren't any stars in the sky. I said there didn't need to be any stars in the sky for it was a cloudy night. His response was closer to the truth than I had dared let on. 'You just couldn't be bothered to paint every individual star, right?' Was what he said. I didn't dare let him know that he was indeed right.

"I missed you yesterday," he said as I approached him.

Ah yes. I was at studio yesterday. I had painted a skyline with the tops of the trees at the bottom of the canvas. I had in one hand four canvases. I did the same idea for each of the seasons. Blossoming trees for Spring. Lush green trees for Summer. Browny red leaves for Autumn and no leaves for Winter. In my other hand I had my travel mug. On my back I had a bag containing a bag for my money and a few other items that I grabbed from my studio in order to get through the day.

"Yeah. Well I'm sorry to hear that; I thought you'd be bored of my presence by now," I said.

He grinned at me and shrugged.

"What can I say? You're not the boring type," He said with a massive smile on his face.

The wind teased a strand of my hair out from behind my ear and I tucked it back to its original place only to find that the wind teased it back out again. Why wind? Why? Glen chuckled at my failed attempt to battle the elements.

"It's no good trying to fight the elements Siena. They will always win,"

"Oh just fuck off," I said.

"Was that directed at me or the wind?"

I smirked.


"Gee thanks,"

"No problem," I said sarcastically.

I went inside my hut and hung up the four skyline paintings along with my starless sky painting. Glen leant forward and had a closer look at the paintings.

"That blossom one is really good from here. I can practically see that you took your time painting every single blossom on that tree," he said.

"Um thanks,"

He smiled warmly.

"I speak the truth. Surely you know that by now," he said.

"Um I guess so," I said uncertainly.

"So can I ask you a question?" He asked.

"Um. Sure," I said.

"Why is it that you're so under confident? I mean, you have confidence in your paintings but that's the only thing you have confidence in. Socially, and please forgive me for this, it seems you're not confident at all," Glen said.

I looked away. How is it that he notices everything. Everything I try to hide away. I hardly know him and he just comes out with that! I mean ... Seriously?

Never Seen Anything Quite Like You Too (A The Script Fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now