25) Control

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Never Seen Anything Quite Like You Too:

Chapter twenty five:

It's been a month since the artists' convention and I can say that things are starting to get that little bit better. Well at least I think so.

My mother's funeral went by without a hitch. Oh yes and if anyone believed that then they're more gullible than I first thought.

Well the funeral part was okay. Not okay; it was saddening. I wish I hadn't left her all those years ago. The stress that put her under was what killed her. At least that was the story from my father's lips but I can hardly ask my mother now can I? So I guess I have to accept that I caused her death.

It was the wake that father decided to have stick his nose in and open that mouth of his. It almost made me wish that I hadn't gone but I had to pay my respects. It was the least I could do.

"You shame me, Siena, how do you even dare show up to this funeral or even the wake?" He asked.

"I-!" I said.

"After what you did? I told you, you weren't and aren't welcome here so just go okay?!" He asked and for once I did exactly what my father had asked me to do.

I had lost all of my control. My father had controlled me. Even Glen had controlled me by putting me up for that Artists' Convention. I had to get my control back.

So that was when I picked out a notebook of mine and a pen and sat down at my dining table. I wanted all the control I could get so I planned tables. I counted my calories that I had been eating and then planned what I should be eating. I set goals for what I wanted to lose. So far I had lost ten pounds. Five pounds every two weeks.

Glen has been as helpful as always. Saying how good I was looking. He had noticed the loss in weight but didn't outright say anything. I think he is too afraid of what I might say so I guess he just sticks to 'You look good'.

Danny had decided to visit once more. Yesterday he came up to my little wooden hut strutting his stuff. He reminded me of the One Republic song 'Everybody Loves Me'. I could imagine him with his headphones in, strutting up the pavement, winking at all the girls or doing that double click thing, running his hand through that ridiculous quiff of his and wearing a smirk on his face. Anyone else or is it just me?

"So... Siena, what's the story so far for the fat artist then?" He asked.

Something stirred inside of me. I am NOT fat. I am losing weight partly because of you!! He annoyed me so much. I wish I could control that burning bubble of anger inside of me. ... Bubble ... I instantly calmed slightly with the thought of Glen's nickname for me.

"Cut the crap Danny this is getting boring," I said and turned away to adjust my striking painting of an owl in flight. I could just tell that this was moments from selling. You could just hear the wind sailing around the owl's wings. You could feel the texture of the wings and the piercing of its claws.

"It's not boring to me. Heard your father kicked you out of your mother's wake. So what happened did you go psycho on your mother or father when you were little or something. Did you kill your mother? Is that why your father hates you?" He asked leaning one arm against the wooden counter of my hut.

"Which conversation between Mark and Glen did you eavesdrop on this time?" I asked.

"So I was right. You are a psycho!"

"No. I'm not. I don't have to answer to you so sling your hook before I call the police for harassment and how would that look to your fans eh? 'Lead singer of Irish rock band 'The Script' nicked for harassing a woman',"

"Oh yeah right like you'd have the guts to do that!" He said and climbed over the counter.

"Danny get the fuck out,"

"And what are you going to do Siena? You're weak. Your fat. You have no future and no present. I wonder what your past was like though. I bet you were full of surprises when you were growing up," he said and took a step towards me. I took a step towards him even though that was the last thing I wanted to do I had to show him I wasn't scared. His eyebrows shot up into a surprised look. His mouth turned up into a smirk.

"So ... What were you like Siena? Jack the Ripper?" He asked.

"Oh yes I was and if you're not careful i may regress back to my childhood state and kill you too now clear off," I said strongly.

He took several more steps towards me and closed me into a corner. I was too shocked by his actions that I just backed away and unfortunately I backed right into a corner. Like the darkest corner in my past and in my mind. This couldn't even compare to that.

"Oh like I'm going to do that Siena,"

"Danny ... Seriously what the fuck are you playing at?" I said putting m hands on his chest and tried to push him away. He grabbed my wrists and pushed me closer to him, backing my further into the corner as he did that.

"Now now Siena we can't get too frisky, can we?" He asked.

"Fuck you and fuck the right off!" I shouted but his hand covered my lips.

"Siena lower your fricking voice okay?!" He said and took his hand from my lips.

"What the heck are you playing at?"

"This..." He said and leant down casting his lips on mine. It took me all of three seconds to get over the shock and pull my head back as far as I could. I pushed him back or I tried too but I guess he was expecting my actions and held his ground.

"Just as I thought ... You're not that good a kisser. I'll be sure to pass it on to Glen," he said.

He smirked once more before releasing my hands and walking out of the door. The bloody bastard! He poked his head around the side of the hut window.

"Oh Siena. You're still fat no matter how much you lose. Might wanna consider baggy jumpers? Just an idea," he said and I stood there in utter shock, unable to say a single word.

I need to up my control game I guess.

A/N: I am so sorry for the lot wait. Almost a month. I've probably lost most of my readers but oh well. This was difficult to write but I need to get back into the swing of these things. So here's the most rubbish chapter I have ever written. Vote. Comment. Do as you please.

Never Seen Anything Quite Like You Too (A The Script Fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now