22) Artist's Convention Build Up

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Never Seen Anything Quite Like You Too.

22) Artists' Convention Build Up.

The day is upon us. The day of the artists' convention. The day I had been yearning for and dreading of for the past two weeks. It's finally here and I couldn't be looking forward to it more. Of course I couldn't wish that I could be in hiding more as well.

That lady was right. It's about injecting your soul into your work and displaying it but its about being able to let go. Let go and let people see what you are hiding in the case that is your body. It's like the fluids in your brain are the paint and the emotions you feel guide the paint around the canvas to make the picture that your mind wants to make.

At least the painting is done now. The spring part of the canvas was done when Danny had come over. I still couldn't get over what he had done. He had messed with my mind and made me feel like an utter piece of shit. What kind of sick idiot would do such a thing? I hate it and I hate him.

The spring, autumn and winter I did with not Danny scornfully looking at it but Glen looking over my shoulder and giving me compliments and advice when I needed it most. This time it wasn't a debacle and it actually ameliorated the situation. Sometimes Mark joined as well and I am glad to say that Danny was no where to be seen. Glen joining me practically every day gave me a spiritual boost. He was a confidence booster. My only problem with him spending so much time around my studio is that my tea bags have been seriously depleted. I mean seriously. How many teas can a guy drink in a day? A lot!

"Siena, can I have a cuppa?" Mark asked.

"Well I would Mark but your Irish buddy has drank a lot of tea recently and I haven't any tea bags left,"

"What! Glen!" Mark exclaimed.

"It's not just me. It's Siena too!" Glen defended.

"Uh I think you will find that I'm more of a coffee guzzler, you're the tea guzzler here, not me. Sure I'll drink it and enjoy it but not as much as you do. Plus every cup of tea I have means you don't get one," I said.

Glen smiled and Mark laughed.

"What?" I asked.

"You know you've got a true friend when they give up food and drink for you," Mark stated whilst chuckling.

"You can say that again," Glen said.

"You know you've got a true fri-" Mark started.

"Not literally!" Glen exasperated.

I smiled. I had picked out my dress a few days ago. Glen had asked the day we made up what colour dress I was wearing. Something about him wanting to wear a matching a tie or shirt. So I had told him dark blue because that's the colour I would want to wear.

"Surely not the colour siena?" He asked.

I had grinned and said 'no that would be slightly weird.'

So after I had finished the majority of my painting I had taken a trip to the shops and I dragged Mark's very sorry arse with me. I wanted advice on what colour Glen likes to wear best. Mark had told me that he normally wears black and he feels comfortable when he wears black but I said that I had told him I'd be wearing dark blue. So he shrugged and said 'well its best that he likes to wear that too then. Not as much as black but any dark colour then he's game.'

So I picked a dark blue ball gown dress. Now I do like to wear dresses but I don't wear them often. I'd tried on many dresses with Mark but he was as good as me about making decisions. With me being a woman, well we never make decisions do we?

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