20) The Build Up

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Never Seen Anything Quite Like You Too

20) The Build Up

So you know what I said about a tonne of bricks being loaded onto my chest and not being able to breath but then having those tonne of bricks lifted and what a relief it was to have them lifted? Well I was wrong. So wrong. They're back again, but this time it's pressure that's gotten to me. The pressure of not being able to complete this project in time for the convention.

I had decided to do what Glen told me to do. Which was to split the canvas equally into four parts and then paint each of the four seasons. I changed the skyline in each of them to make it look like a day in that season too. So a red for early winter day. Dark blue for autumn. A light blue for spring and a bright blue for summer.

I sat in my studio and added a soft line of blue to the spring sky. No. That's not right at all; I've made it too dark. I can't use this now because its ruined. I always ruin everything. I ruined my own self image. I've ruined this painting. I ruined my mother's soul and I'm sure I've ruined Glen's view of me.

My phone decided to take this moment to penetrate my bubble and ring. I looked at the number and sighed slightly but thought it would be rude not to pick up.

"Glen it's not the right time," I said hurriedly.

"Why is your Dad with you?"


There was a small pause.

"Then what's wrong?" Glen asked.

"It's all gone to shit,"

"What has?"

"My painting,"

"I'm sure it's fine-"

"No Glen it isn't fine. Nothing's fine. It's all going to shit!"

"Siena you're thinking catastrophically. You might wanna think about calming down. D'you think you can do that? Deep breaths," he advised.

I paused for a few seconds to regulate my breathing which had flared up with my temper and heart rate.

"There. You seem a bit better already but just to be sure I'm coming to your hut. You're obviously in your studio so you can direct me from there. Oh and before you ask ... No you don't get a say in this," Glen said and hung up on me.


I heard a bang on the door and jumped. It was lucky that I wasn't painting at the time. I would have most probably shot colours at Glen and no I'm not on about paint. Although if I'm honest paint would do more damage.

I gingerly got up and answered to his highness' pounding on the door. He was going to break down my door in a minute if he isn't careful.

"Alright. Alright. Hold the pounding for crying out loud I don't want to have a broken door angry at me and not willing to work for me anymore. Do you have any idea how much I pay that door?" I said as Glen stopped pounding and I opened the door. I was shocked to not only find Glen but someone else too.

"Alright there doll?" He asked.

"Sorry Siena he wouldn't let me come without leaking the news to Danny about you," Glen said.

"Why are you so averse to Danny knowing?" Mark asked.

"He and myself are so averse to Danny knowing because it would be such a debacle," I said.

"Why would it?" Mark asked.

I sighed and crossed my arms. I was not having this conversation with them standing on the doorstep. I stepped aside to let them in.

Never Seen Anything Quite Like You Too (A The Script Fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now