Chapter 1- Coward's Bacon

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You sat in your room in the bunker and wondered how you'd ended up there. It had been a room you were supposed to stay in for just a few weeks, but it had been almost a year. You used to live with Charlie, but after she passed away her place felt too lonely without her warm smile and awful singing to fill the rooms. Sam and Dean suggested you stayed with them while you found your feet. One year later and you all knew you wouldn't be leaving any time soon.

At first, your room was pretty empty, with the classic double bed, desk and wardrobe layout. But slowly and surely, you'd made yourself a home in that room. The bedsheets had gone from guest-room-blue to the ones with the bunting pattern on that your Dad had given you when you first moved to America. The wardrobe used to be empty apart from your trusty jacket, but it grew to be filled with flannels and jeans and the one dress you kept from when you and Charlie would have your days out in the city- hunt free.

You heard voices from the kitchen and hallways, where Sam and Dean would no doubt be arguing over real bacon versus vegetarian bacon, or "coward's bacon", as Dean called it. Slipping your hoodie over your pjs, you headed towards the voices for some breakfast.

"Mornin'," you hummed, reaching for the kettle, "you guys settled on the bacon debarkle yet?""It's not bacon!" Dean snapped.
"Don't get him started..." Sam sighed, but you could tell he was enjoying the novelty of a brother's argument.
"Sorry, lads. But I like both." you shrugged and poured your coffee, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl.
"Oh somebody's being healthy." Dean snarked."Well someone's gotta look after me." You took a bite from the apple as you spoke, taking a seat next to Sam so you could read his laptop."We look after you." Sam said, trying to sound hurt."Doubt," you joked, leaning in more to read the article he had up, "this a case?""Maybe, uh," Sam fumbled over his words, taking a glance at how close you were to him, "we think. Gonna check it out later.""Sure sounds fishy." you nodded, reading the headline. It read 'NUMBER OF MISSING TEENAGERS RISES FROM 4 TO 9 IN LESS THAN A WEEK'." does." Sam nodded in agreement, his eyes flickering over your jawline.Dean coughed, making Sam recoil, but you barely noticed.

"Uh, okay. I'll get packing." Sam said all flustered, making you giggle."I uh, don't actually think I'll come on this one." Dean said, trying his best to sound a little tired.You shared a look of confusion with Sam. "How come?" You asked."Not feeling it. I think I might be coming down with something." "Right..." You and Sam said at the same time, both in disbelief."Yeah, I'm gonna hit the hay. Stay safe out there." Dean shot you a wink as he left the room and you realised what he was doing. He knew how close you and Sam had gotten to being in a relationship, especially after you ended up patching him up on the last hunt. Dean was scheming."Cool, I'll go get dressed." You smiled, trying to sound like you weren't incredibly embarrassed.

You followed after Dean and hissed at him, "Dean!""I know. You can thank me later.""Dean," You stood in front of his door and glared at him. "what are you doing?""I'm just helping thing's speed along. The next time you two walk through those doors it'll be hand in hand." Dean grinned and you blushed."I hate you." You snapped."I know." He smirked, playfully shoving you out of the way so he could get into his room.

You let yourself smile when the door closed and, rather badly, held back a grin as you hurried to your room to pack your things.

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