Chapter Seven-Charlotte

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"I would have given just about anything to have seen Luca's face when he found out the poor kid was a cop." Jenni giggled, standing on top of the ladder and fastening some of the kids new artwork on the wall of the gallery. We'd been working all morning, setting things up and getting ready for the afternoon rush. It was a rare afternoon that I got to be here, and I was really looking forward to it. I tried my best to balance my work here with the kids and my job as an advocate, but Jenni really kept the place running.

I smiled, handing her another painting. "It was pretty interesting. I think Layla and I were both thanking our lucky stars we were in public."

"She didn't even tell you?" Jenni asked, finally climbing down off the ladder. She was so clumsy it always gave me serious anxiety when she wanted to hang new things up.

"No." I shook my head with a heavy sigh. "I had no idea. Which I fully believe she did on purpose."

"What exactly did Luca say about it?" We sat down at one of the workstations in the back.

"Well, he thinks the kid is using Layla to get to him." I pursed my lips. I really didn't want that to be the case. I was hoping and praying it wasn't for all of our sakes.

"And you think?" She arched her eyebrow at me.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I think Layla is smart, and I'm sure that thought has crossed her mind. And I can't imagine she would stay with him if she had any kids of doubts like that."

"Yeah, but she's also twenty and from what it sounds like, she's in love. Maybe her judgement is a little cloudy...?" Jenni bit her lip, tilting her head.

"Yeah, you could be right. I'm going to go up there later this week and talk to her." I didn't want to have to have this conversation with her, but it looked like it was unavoidable. I knew Luca was going to be pouring his resources into finding out about Hunter's background and checking in to everything. That felt kind of sneaky anyway, and I didn't want to lie to Layla about it. She'd be furious that he was checking into her boyfriend that way, but with the circumstances, she'd have to understand.

The chimes on the door rang and Jenni and I both jumped. We weren't even open yet and the door shouldn't have been unlocked. I stood up and peaked my head around the corner just in time to see two officers walking in.

"Who is it?" Jenni whispered, hiding behind me.

"It's the police..." I frowned. What the hell were they doing here?

"Like the police police?" Jenni's face twisted.

"What other police, Jenni?" I smirked, rolling my eyes. "I'll go handle it."

I took a deep breath and headed to the front.

"Hello. Can I help you with something?" I smiled politely.

"I hope so." One of the officers said. "My name is Officer Davis. I am looking for Charlotte Catalano."

"I'm Charlotte..." I said apprehensively.

They shared a quick glance. "Mrs. Catalano, we're just in the area advising local businesses that about a string of robberies that have taken place on this block recently. You're the owner, correct?"

"Uh, yes." His answer caught me a little off guard, but I breathed a sigh of relief that they weren't here for some other reason. "I am. I wasn't aware of any robberies, but I also work with the courts and have been a little busy there. I appreciate you guys coming by to let us know, though. I'll pass the information along to my manager."

"We're asking businesses to amp up security a bit, just things like keeping the doors locked during non essential business hours, updating security cameras, that sort of thing." Officer Davis continued.

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