Chapter Three-Luca

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"Morning girls." I smiled, sauntering into the kitchen and kissing the top of Lucy's head.

"Good morning, dad." She smiled, lost in whatever book she was reading at the moment. The girl went through them so fast, I couldn't keep up anymore. It looked like this week she was rereading Harry Potter—one of her very favorites.

I made my way around the island to where Char was standing and pressed a deep kiss to her sweet lips. "Good morning, beautiful."

Char smiled, deepening our kiss. A soft moan escaped her lips, quiet enough for only me to hear. I smirked as a sheet of crimson washed over her cheeks.

"Get a room, you two." Leo chuckled, flying into the kitchen and grabbing a banana out of the fruit bowl. Cole was close behind him.

"Aren't you two late?' I eyed them carefully. Since the two of them were both at the high school, Leo usually drove them while Charlotte or I dropped off Lucy.

"Extremely." Cole rolled his eyes. "But it's this asshole's fault."

"Hey!" Charlotte scolded. "Enough with the language."

"Sorry, mom." Cole gave her a charming smile. "Would you prefer moron?"

Charlotte rolled her eyes towards me as if this was somehow my fault. I had to chuckle because it probably was. Especially as the kids got older, I didn't pay much attention to my language. I couldn't be all that mad because he had learned it from me.

"Don't give your mother a hard time." I narrowed my eyes at him. "And seriously, watch the language."

Leo smirked, nudging Cole with his shoulder, gloating that he wasn't the one in trouble for once. In reality, the boys were cut from the same cloth; so much so, they could have been twins. Not only did they look identical, but their mischievous and confident personalities were exactly the same. They both caused their fair share of trouble and most of the time had Charlotte pulling her hair out. It reminded me so much of Angelo and I growing up that sometimes I found it hard to even be the parent without being a total hypocrite. Luckily, Charlotte and I made a great team.

We all said our goodbyes and headed out for the day. Charlotte was due in court this morning with one of the victims she counseled. She hadn't gotten into specifics, but it sounded like this poor girl had been through the ringer. No family, no friends. She'd come to New York for an acting opportunity and found herself working for tips in a strip club for a manager who had a serious mean streak. Char had been working with her for the last several weeks trying to help her get the courage to testify and if all went as planned, everything would come to fruition today. The work she did still amazed me. She had taken to it so easily and was the most sought after advocate in all of New York. Unfortunately, a lot of her strength came from personal experiences, but I was so damn proud of her for spinning it into a positive the way she had. Our girls had the most incredible role model to look up, and I would be forever thankful for that.

When I got to the warehouse, Axel and the other guys were already waiting for me.

"Luca! How the hell are you?" Axel threw his arms around me and developed me in a tight hug.

"Good to see you, man." I grinned, sitting down between Angelo and Marco. It had been years since I had seen Axel, but I was still keeping him at an arm's distance. We'd mended the fence after the night I threw him out of my house, and everything had gone down with Nico. Even I could admit that was a little exaggeration, but I'd never fully trust Axel. He always had some kind of ulterior motive.

Angelo and Marco were even more cautious than I was. They weren't his biggest fans from the beginning, but I knew there had been some kind of altercation while I was away at Nico's. I didn't know the finer details, but whatever had happened, it had led to Angelo punching Axel. And I'd always back up my boys.

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