Prologue- Charlotte

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The sharp sound of the metal gate closing behind me made me jump. I was a hot mess right now, my anxiety and nerves skyrocketing as I walked down the long corridor.

"Right here, ma'am." One of the guards barked, pointing to a faded duct tape line on the ground. "Someone will be up to check your bag shortly."

Suddenly I felt nauseous. Everything about this made me sick, and in turn, absolutely infuriated that Luca had put me in this position. I had tried to work this out in my mind over the last few days, but it was like every time I realized what was happening I became paralyzed. Paralyzed with anger, with fear, with shame and sadness.

There was a window to the right of me, and I checked my appearance quickly. I wasn't exactly sure why—I hadn't seen Luca in days but I wasn't in any kind of mood to be looking good for him. Really, I just wanted to be sure I didn't look as strung out as I felt. Like I hadn't been up all night crying my eyes out and reaching over to feel the coldness of his spot in the bed. Like I hadn't lied to my children about where I was headed this morning. Like I hadn't felt every piece of my heart breaking realizing that this could be our future. That I may never get my life or my family back again. That I may just be restricted to seeing Luca every other weekend for three hours, not even able to kiss him.

When I wasn't feeling absolutely livid with him, I was devastated. I was broken and shattered, and I didn't even know how to function. Somehow I was trying to make it work for the kids, but the truth was, I was losing my mind. I couldn't do this for the rest of my life, and if it was our new reality, I didn't know what that meant for my marriage. I fought a few tears back at the thought of it and cleared my throat. I couldn't go in there and fall apart. I had to stand my ground. I had to do what I came here to do and try to make some sense of this madness. I had to decide for myself if I really believed him or not.

"Ma'am?" I hadn't noticed another guard appear at my side. "Your bag?"

"Of course, I'm sorry." I put on a fake smile, composing myself despite the adversity we were facing and pretending everything was fine, like I had done for the last 16 years of my life.

I opened my bag up as a guard used a wand to search it. He pulled out my hand sanitizer and threw it in the trash. "Can't take that inside."

"Oh." I said, somewhat startled. "Okay."

"All set." The guard cleared me and nodded down the hallway. "All the way to the end and take a right."

I nodded, putting my purse back over my shoulder and tucking it tightly beneath my arm. This place gave me the creeps.

I did as he said and, when I turned, I came into a large atrium type room with metal picnic benches. Several of them were full of other inmates and families here for visiting hours. I hated that we were here, and it made my stomach turn so much I almost turned around and ran right out of here.

"Charlotte." Luca's voice startled me, coming from the side. I snapped my neck in that direction and saw him standing next to an empty picnic table. I bit my lip, taking in the sight. Luca was completely disheveled. He was unshaven, the orange of his jumpsuit washing his face out, and his lip was swollen, probably from some kind of altercation. His eyes were dark and desperate, the slightest bit of hope blanketing his face as he gazed back at me. "You came."

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Instead, I just nodded.

"Do you want to sit down?" He offered, gesturing to the table. He was being delicate with me, and it almost infuriated me more. It wasn't like Luca to pussy foot around me like he thought I might break at any second. Normally, he was crass and rough, but it seemed the tables were turning.

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