Chapter Thirty- Luca

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Charlotte looked back at me as if I was insane.

"Carlo?" her voice cracked with emotion, in complete shock at what I had just told. "You're sure?"

This was how I expected it to go. I knew she wouldn't want to believe that Carlo was capable of not only killing a completely innocent woman but also framing Angelo and I for it. In all honesty, I didn't want to believe it either. I didn't want to think that someone I considered a brother would throw me to the wolves the way that he was, would put my family at such risk, would hurt me in this way.

"I'm sure." I sighed, reaching for her hand. I knew the blow she was feeling, because I had felt it myself. I'd felt it that very first night when I came around the corner and saw him standing over the dead body of Maggie Fields, and I'd felt it every single time that another piece of evidence randomly showed up to incriminate Angelo and I even further. It sucked the wind right out of me, disoriented me, made me question everything I believed in.

12 years ago

"So you don't have any strong leads yet?" I asked Axel as we came down the pathway. It was cold and dark down here, and honestly, it gave me the creeps. Nothing good happened in a place like this and it seemed like the perfect place for someone to be passing bad crack around.

He shook his head. "Just that this is a popular..."

Axel trailed off as we came around a corner. There was something happening in front of us, and I couldn't quite make it out at first. My eyes were still adjusting to the dark, and I could faintly make out a woman lying on the ground and a man hovering over her. When he heard us come around the corner, he froze, and the face staring back at me made the blood in my veins turn to ice.

"Carlo?" Angelo beat me to it.

He stood up slowly, the gun still in his hand.

"What the hell is going on?" I said.

All four of us stood as stiff as statues, afraid to move or really even speak.

After a few seconds, Angelo rushed toward him, grabbing the gun and shoving it into his pocket. "What the fuck is happening?"

"I can explain..." Carlo started to stutter.

"There is no time for that." Axel glanced over his shoulder. Sirens were getting closer and closer.

"We have to go." I said, grabbing Carlo's arm.

"They're too close, we can't." Axel said.

"So what the fuck do you suggest?" Angelo hissed.

"We stay here, and we tell them we found the body. They know I'm investigating. It won't look bad."

Angelo and I glanced back and forth between each other. Neither one of us had any idea what to do, and our only choice was to trust Axel. And that was a position I absolutely hated to be in.

Present day

"And then what?" Charlotte stared wide eyed at me on the edge of her seat as I spilled out the words. Even now, it felt like everything had happened yesterday. I could relieve every single second of the night down to the smell of sewer from the spillway and the gut wrenching look in the woman's eyes as she laid there dead.

"The cops got there quickly. Someone had heard the shot and called it in. It had to have happened just seconds before we went that way because we didn't hear anything, and we were only down there for two or three minutes tops before we heard sirens."

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