Chapter Four- Charlotte

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"I don't see what the big deal is. You let me have a drink with you and Uncle Angelo and Uncle Marco all the time..." Leo growled, walking in from the garage, Luca hot on his heals.

I glanced up at the clock, frowning in confusion. It was one in the afternoon. Luca should have been at work and Leo should have been at school. Why were they both standing in my kitchen?

"I let you have a beer when we're at home every once in a while, and I'm with you the entire time." Luca hissed, nearly slamming the door off its hinges. "The big deal is that you deliberately lied to me. You completely took advantage of mine and your mom's trust, and you provided alcohol to all kinds of underage kids."

"What is going on?" I asked, afraid of the answer. They were both so caught up in their own conversation that I wasn't sure either of them had even seen me in the kitchen.

Luca let out a sharp laugh and gestured towards me. "You want to tell your mother, or should I?"

Leo rolled his eyes, only angering Luca more. "I got suspended for three days, and basically kicked off the football team."

My eyes widened in horror. "You what? What happened? Why didn't you call me?"

"Believe me..." Leo scoffed. "I tried."

Luca shot him an icy glare. "Yeah, he told them to call you so he wouldn't get into as much trouble."

"Trouble for what? Will one of you tell me what's going on?" I crossed my arms over my chest, still very much in the dark about what had happened.

Luca wouldn't budge, making Leo tell me himself. They stood in a battle of wits. They were so alike it killed me. Finally, Leo caved, scoffing as he turned to me.

"While you and dad were gone, I had a few friends over. Things might have gotten a little out of hand and some kids were drinking."

"You want to try that again?" Lucas said pointedly. "There's video of you handing out beers like candy and clearly drinking yourself."

"Leo, what in the world were you thinking?" I sighed in exasperation.

Leo threw his hands in the air. "I was thinking that you and dad would be cool about it. I mean, it's not like I drove drunk. And I did it in our own house. How much safer can you get?"

It was worrisome that Leo didn't seem to be taking it seriously in the slightest.

"What part of the fact that you're seventeen don't you understand?" Luca barked. "In the past, when you've had a beer, it's been with me, so I can teach you how to treat alcohol responsibly. You completely abused that."

"I get it, okay?" Leo ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "I know I shouldn't have had a party, and I know I shouldn't have lied to you. I just feel like Principal Galloway was too harsh to suspend me from football, too."

"Too harsh?" Luca burst out laughing. "You haven't seen harsh yet."

"Okay." I held my hand up before this got out of hand. "Leo, why don't you go upstairs to your room so your dad and I can talk?"

Leo grumbled to himself as he grabbed his backpack and headed up to his room.

I turned to Luca, who was still fuming. "Just take a breath, okay?" I reached for his hand.

"How could he be so irresponsible? And to lie straight to our faces like that? That's not like him." Luca shook his head.

"I know. I don't like it anymore than you do, but I think we need to be careful how we handle this." I said, sliding onto the barstool.

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