Chapter Twenty Four-Charlotte/Luca

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When I got home, Marco tried to insist to come inside with me, but all I wanted to do was be alone. The boys would be at practice and Lucy was studying at Marco and Hailey's with their youngest daughter Veda. I could have a few hours alone to process what had happened this afternoon.

Never in my life did I imagine asking Luca for a divorce. I had kicked him when he was down, and while I understood why it was necessary, it still fucking hurt. Luca didn't know what was behind it, and I had no idea what was running through his mind.

I had gone there with every intention of not pulling out the paperwork. I thought I could get him to tell me the name and gave him the opportunity to. Why was that so hard? Why was he refusing to see his own family was falling apart at the seams? Sometimes I hated how hardheaded and single-minded he could be. Staying loyal was all he could think about, no matter the consequences.

I slammed the front door in frustration when I got inside and heard something fall off the wall in Luca's office. I went in, realizing it was still a mess from when the police were here. I hadn't gotten around to cleaning it up, and honestly, it was because it seemed too daunting. But what if the answer to all of this was somewhere in this mess? If the police couldn't find anything, there was a very slim chance I could. Luca liked things in organized chaos in a perfect scenario, and after being tossed by the police, his office looked like a tornado hit it.

I shuffled through a few papers on his desk, but there was nothing useful. He didn't keep much at home, anyway. Behind me was a wall of pictures, and I saw that it had been a family picture of ours that had fallen off the wall. The glass was shattered and tears welled up in my eyes at the irony. This perfect family I had always dreamed of, poured my heart and soul into, was in shambles. I was so angry at Luca. This was selfish and ridiculous and so stupid at this point.

I started picking up the glass and reached for a piece that had fallen right at the corner of his desk. I noticed a crease in the carpet and ran my fingers over it. I started to pull the carpet up and realized there was a keypad. Was this another safe? A door?


I dropped the edge of the carpet back down and whirled around, scared out of my mind, until I realized it was Layla standing there.

"What are you doing here?" I said, breathing heavily.

"I came home to help." She frowned. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I stood up. "You just scared me. I thought I told you that you didn't need to come home."

"You did." She smirked. "But I want to be here. It's hard to focus on anything other than what's happening here."

"Well, I'm happy to see you." I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Whatever was under the carpet would have to wait. I couldn't exactly break it open now that she was here. I'd figure it out once everyone was asleep. "Have you been here a while?"

"An hour or so." She shrugged. "Dad's been calling the house phone off the hook. I talked to him for a few minutes."

My heart froze. He wouldn't tell her, would he? "Oh, really? I was just visiting him this morning."

"That's what he said. He just said he forgot to tell you something, and he'd try back later." She said. "Want me to make dinner?"

"Um, why don't you take your brothers and sister out?" I suggested, itching to get back into Luca's office. "I had a big lunch with Marco and just some time to unwind. The boys are at practice for a little while and Lucy is over with Veda."

"Okay." Layla smiled apprehensively. "Are you sure you're doing okay, mom?"

"Yes." I mustered up the best smile I could. "I'm okay. I'm just worn out. And I wish your dad was home."

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