Chapter Ten- Luca

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When I got Marco's SOS text, all the worst possibilities went through my mind. We had created the SOS system years ago, and it was somewhat of a code that only my top advisors knew about. It was a way for us to communicate that we needed to talk, and it wasn't the kind of business that could be conducted at the warehouse or office for the risk of other people finding out. We'd meet at a nearby safe house and not tell anyone where we were going or what was going on. It was usually only reserved for extreme emergencies, like ambushes or deaths, so when I got the text while I was sitting at breakfast with my family, I got up immediately.

"I gotta go, babe." I brushed my lips against Charlotte's quickly and grabbed my jacket.

"Already?" She frowned. "You're supposed to drop Lucy off at school this morning. I have court."

"The boys can do it on their way in." I said quickly. "We'll sign a tardy pass for you."

"Sweet!" Leo grinned, probably thinking he could get out of first period entirely with a pass from us.

"Luca." Char narrowed her eyes at me. I could tell she was annoyed that I was blowing this off, but I didn't have a choice.

"It's from Marco, Char." I flashed my phone screen at her so she understood without me having to get into detail. "I'll call you as soon as I know anything."

Her eyes widened, fear creeping into them. She quickly regained her composure so she wouldn't tip off the kids that something was wrong. "Okay, I guess I'll see you later."

"Bye guys!" I waved to the kids hiding out the door. "Love you!"

"Bye dad!" They all echoed.

I raced to the safe house as fast as I could, but both Marco, Angelo, and Seth were already there.

"What's going on?" I asked immediately, trying to read their faces for some kind of clue.

"Relax." Angelo held his hands up. "No one is dead."

"Yet." Marco snarled, rolling his eyes in irritation.

"What do you mean?" I let out a heavy breath, coming inside and sitting down at the table. I least I could cross those possibilities off of my list.

"The police showed up at my house this morning." Marco was seething, pacing back and forth in front of us.

"What happened?" I asked, clenching my jaw.

"They wanted to talk to me about the murder investigation." He hissed. "While my girls were in sitting in the driveway. I'm going to fucking kill Axel."

"But you weren't even involved. It's me or Angelo they should be talking to." I said, trying my best to remain calm. I was just as angry as Marco was at Axel. He had put us in a horrible position and now our families were being pulled into the crossfire.

"Right. They know that." He said, finally sitting down. "But they know that I work with you guys and they were trying to press me for information. This is going to be much bigger than somebody you guys found in Louisiana. They're trying to dig up all kinds of shit... They even asked me about Grant."

"Okay, everybody calm down for a second." Angelo tried to reason. "Marco, I understand what happened was shitty, but doesn't this just show that they're grasping at straws? They have nothing on us. They couldn't possibly."

"They have enough to be asking all the right questions." Marco said.

I rubbed my forehead, starting to formulate a plan. We couldn't wait around anymore. They were putting their noses into a whole lot of shit we couldn't afford to have them in. If they got the tiniest bit of leverage, it would be like a domino effect. They had already been to one of our cover businesses and now to Marco's house. He was right—they knew much more than we thought.

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