Chapter 23: Catching Up

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Deborah's POV

As I walked out of his house, I hold unto the document tight making it crumpled a little and started thinking of my life choices, again.

I walked further away and I heard him shout some piece of advice which I probably just shrug off but I know I need that at some time of my life.

Walking home alone can be calming and scary at the same time. I look at the people or animals around me and they look happy like nothing is wrong but there is and they're just hiding it.

I sighed at that thought just listened to some songs on my phone going home.

My brother was the first to greet me home with a hug and I couldn't help but hug back and thought, 'Why didn't I act shocked when they said he was my long lost brother?'

He is way taller than me and I looked up to him and he just smiled.

I asked him to come into my room so we could catch up on a lot of things.

We talked about how Vinci helped the both of us and his story seemed interesting, I mean, Vinci just called and I am nowhere but for him, he was at a car crash fighting for his life and somewhat Vinci found him and took him in for two years and the remaining years, he was at Acy's place.

He even told me how he met his drug-dealing girlfriend, which I didn't tell him yet because he will just accept it as a joke.

I told him that I used to have a boyfriend but he wasn't my first kiss and that I'm still a virgin. He asked me about Clyde and I just told him we are just enemies with benefits but he smirked and I do not like that a bit.

There was a sudden knock on the door and I opened it and saw Kris who is holding a box.

"What is that for?" I asked and he handed it to me.

"It's your new suit. Acy and I whipped it out for you" he replied and I hugged him and said 'Thank you' then closed the door.

"Happy to received your new suit, sister?" he said and I nodded like a child making him shake his head in disbelief.

I told him that I will change in the bathroom and he replied, "Well, I am going to take a peek on your pictures on your phone"

"Do as you please, besides, you won't find interesting there" I replied and closed the door of the bathroom.

I quickly changed into my villain suit and it looks hot as theft. The maroon crop-top sweater with chains diagonally and a bulletproof vest inside it makes me feel alive. And the hard leather shorts and black leggings are so comfortable but I guess my new shoes aren't done yet so I used my old shoes.

I showed my suit to Zeal and he gave it a thumbs-up and I saw that his nose is bleeding. Theft.

"First of all, the pictures that are sent to me on Messenger are automatically being saved on my phone and Sam was drunk that time and sorry to say she is taken" I stated and grabbed my phone from his hand.

"It's rare to see women naked you know and besides, my heart only belongs to Allyana" he stated and I just rolled my eyes at him.

I gave him some tissues to wipe the blood and we both went to the living room and watched a Disney movie to just feel like we are on a different world, I guess that even though he isn't my real brother, we do think alike.

[10:00 PM]

I and Zeal suddenly fell asleep in the middle of the movie and we were woken up by Kris who cooked for us.

The three of us went to the kitchen to eat; I guessed he waited for us to wake up so we could eat together.

"Where are the others? I haven't seen them that much" I asked Kris.

"Vinci sent them on a special mission and I am here waiting for my partner in my mission to finally catch up with her brother" he explained and I just continued eating.

"I am already done with that, right brother?" I asked and he nodded while slurping his soup.

"So, what are we going to do together?" I said while chewing my food which made Kris disgusted making him shiver.

"It is about Clyde," he said making me stop eating and I remembered the favor he told me.

I excused myself and quickly went out even though it's dark and I went on my way to find Acy.

I am finally on the street and asked the people around who are still up drinking at the store and they told me where her house is.

I tried to open the door to see if its lock and it's not. Theft, I hope this is her house.

As I finally opened the door, I went inside and carefully closed the door. The lights were all on and I can hear a noisy sound coming from the basement.

I was curious but I went to find her room instead. I checked every door until I reached the last door at the end of the hallway. I carefully opened it again and there she was sleeping soundly which made me think, who is making the noise in the basement and why it suddenly stopped.

I felt my head hurt and when I touched it I saw my hand covered in blood and I quickly passed out.


"Nobody was supposed to come here, nobody was supposed to find out, and nobody should be snooping around at somebody's business!"Acy shouted as I squinted my eyes because of the light I saw once I opened my eyes.

"He was right" I whispered because I suddenly felt weak and I don't want her to definitely hear that.

I am currently lying down and there are straps from making my escape.

"Why don't you want somebody to know that there is a robot replica of you?" I asked which made her scoff.

"Because they will just steal my designs!" she shouted.

"And look, you are using the suit me and Kristian made but he forgot this," she added and put a mask on my face.

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