Chapter Twelve- Happy endings?

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Peggy's P.O.V

That night, Peggy was hanging out with Theodosia in her room and they were having a good time.
"Sooooo- How do you feel about John?" Theo asked, raising an eyebrow as she kicked her feet in the air. She was laid on her stomach and had her chin in her hands.

"I-I mean- He's my best friend-" Peggy replied, a soft blush on her cheeks. She was sitting in a beanbag chair in front of Theo.

"But do you like him?" Theo said, a knowing grin spreading across her lips.

"I-I- no- ye- maybe?" Peggy was quickly growing flustered as she thought about how she felt. Did she like John..?

"Pegs- I can tell you like him. Just look- you're blushing a l o t-"

"No im nooot-" she hid her face in her hands and giggled quietly.

"Yes you are-" Theo said and started to giggle.

"Fine- I like him- but please d o n ' t tell him," She said, peeking out from between her fingers.

Theo laughed, starting to kick her legs again. "I k n e w it!"

"I swear if you tell him i'm going to hurt you-"

"Don't worry- I won't tell him."

"Thank you theo," peggy said before taking her hands away from her face.

"Of course girlie. Are you ever going to tell him though..?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know.. Maybe in a few days? I.... I'm scared though.."

"How come..?" She asked quietly.

"What if he doesn't like me back?" Her voice was quiet as she said this.

"Peggs.. Its clear that he likes you. He likes you so so so so so much.." Theo said in a reassuring voice.

"How do you know?"

"Have you seen the way that he looks at you..?" She said, sitting up as she did. She crossed her legs and put her elbows on her knees, holding her head up by her hands.

"Y-yeah.. But that doesn't mean anything.."

"Sure.. it could mean nothing.. But it could mean something.. It Does mean something."

"Hmm.. I don't believe it."

"He really likes you- Why would he have helped you so fast if he didn't like you?"

"I don't know... I just sort of feel like i'm not lovable.."

"Not lovable?! How in the world are you not lovable?"

"I don't know-"

"You're the most amazing person I've ever met, well- at least who's a girl."

This caused a sheepish smile to spread across her lips. "R-really..?"

Theo nodded. "Yeah!"

"W-well.. I'll tell him tomorrow.." she said in a soft voice. "Or maybe in a few year-"

"Tell him before you end up chickening out-"

"Fine- fine." she said with a nervous giggle. "I'll tell him soon."

"Good.. now- what kind of things do you like?" Theo asked, quickly changing the subject.

The two of them stayed up for what seemed like hours, talking about the most random things. The topic of John didn't come up again in their conversation, but during the whole time Peggy couldn't stop thinking about him. She never stopped thinking about him.


The next morning, Peggy was woken up by a pillow being thrown at her head. She squeaked before looking up. The person who had thrown the pillow was standing in the opening of the door, and she groaned. It was a boy that was m u c h taller than her, and had black, kinky hair. From what she remembered, his name was Lafayette.

"Wake up mrs. girlie-" Lafayette laughed as he threw another pillow.

"I don't want to wake up though-" Peggy groaned, rubbing her eyes as she did.

"Well- papa wants to see you!"

"P-papa..? O H right- ok- I'll be down in a minute.." she said softly and stood up, running a hand through her hair. She was then hit in the face with a bundle of clothes.

"You can wear these.. Come down when you're done-" Lafayette said before running down the stairs.

She laughed before getting up off of the beanbag chair where she had ended up falling asleep. She looked at the clothes that had been thrown at her, and smiled softly when she found that it was a Three Days Grace band T-shirt and a pair of baggy Jeans. There was also a flannel mixed in with the clothes. She didn't know why, but she got extremely happy when she saw the clothes. She quickly got changed and felt confident because of the clothes. This caused her anxiety to kind of calm down, and made it to where she could actually be herself without worrying about anything.

Peggy made her way downstairs and felt a soft blush cross her cheeks when she saw John sitting at the table. She hopped into the seat besides him and giggled quietly.

"Hi jacky!" she said with a wide smile.

"Hi pegs-" John said, getting caught off-guard the slightest bit.

"How are you?" She asked, looking at him in pure admiration.

"I'm good- how are you?"

"I'm really really good." she smiled wide.

"Thats good-" he laughed and ruffled her hair a bit.

They began to talk for a little while before Washington came into the room.

"Hey kiddos, are ya ready to go?" Washington asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked at the two.

John and Peggy nodded in unison.

"Alrighty, Laf, make sure you all get on the bus on time, alright?" Washington said to him.

"Of course papa," Laf said with a proud smile before waving to John and Peggy, who had already gotten to the door.

The trio then got into the car and went to the orphanage, where they met Mr. Schuyler, Washington's friend.

They all went into the orphanage and started the whole process. Peggy and John were giddy the whole time, and when the papers were signed they hugged each other tight.
They were extremely happy, and were doing normal kid stuff when they are excited.

They then went home and hung out like they used to, except now they didn't have to worry about other people interfering again.

Word Count: 966
I'm so sorry if the ending is bad, I sort of burnt out near the end. I promise, the next chapter will NOT be like this. 
ALSO- the next chapter is going to time-skip a few years to where they're teenagers.
ANYWAYS- I love all of y'all. <3

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