Chapter Seven- Guilty or innocent

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John's P.O.V

John quickly went back into the house. When he walked into the dining room, Lafayette raised an eyebrow.
"Mon ami- that took quite a long time. Are you alright...?-"
"Oh.. Yeah I'm fine," John responded, "I just had to find something."
"Alright.. Come and eat!"
John nodded and sat down next to lafayette, where he always sat. Out of all the boys, Lafayette seemed to be the kindest, Theodosia obviously being a close second. He stared at his plate and took a deep breath before starting to pick at his food.
"So... Tomorrow's your first day of school!" Alexander said in an attempt to lighten the mood.
Theodosia nodded and smiled softly. "Yeah.. We'll be in the same grade.. Along with Laf and herc."
Alexander pouted. "Y'all suck.. You're all older than me.."
This caused them all to laugh, except for John. He was too preoccupied by Peggy. He wanted to go back to her so badly.

After they ate lunch, John was pulled into one of their rooms and sat on the bed. Theodosia sat against the door so that their adoptive parents couldn't come in all of a sudden.
Lafayette put his hands on the bed, staring directly in johns eyes. "Mon ami. I know something is wrong when I see it. Tell m- us what's going on."
John frowned. "Nothing is going on! I'm fine.. Okay? I just want to be alone.." He made to get up, but Hercules pushed him back down.
"You're not going anywhere until you tell us.. We're worried.." Alexander said quietly as he came up and peeked from behind Lafayette.
"Fine! But you've gotta promise not to tell mr. And mrs. Washington, okay"
"We promise," they all said in unison.
John took a deep breath before nodding. "Okay... I may or may not be hiding someone in the tree house."

All of their eyes widened, and Theodosia even gasped.
"Are they alive?!"
"Who are they?"
"Is it a boy?"
"Do you know them?"
John was bombarded with questions, and he held out his hands to get them to stop.
"Yes. S h e s alive. And I know her from the orphanage... Shes my best friend.. And she left in order to be with me." He said quietly.
Lafayette nodded and pulled him into a hug. "We'll try our best to help keep her hidden... Okay?"
Everyone else nodded in agreement

John took a shaky breath before nodding. "Alright... Thank you guys..."

And we're done. And this sucks.
I am so sorry its short/bad. I'm just not feeling well, and this is the only thing keeping me from panicking at the moment. I hope you guys enjoy this.
I love y'all
Stay safe
- Ezra (angel) 💙

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