Chapter Three- Sibling love

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When John arrived at the Washington residence, he was immediately bombarded with bodies. He ended up falling on the ground.
"Sorry mon ami!"
One of the boys held out his hand and helped him up.
"Im so sorry!"
John dusted himself off and looked at the kids. There were three boys and a girl.
"Guys, this is John," George said while wrapping an arm around him.
"H-hi!" He waved.

"Hi! I'm lafayette," the tallest one of the four said. When John looked close enough, he looked kind of like Thomas. He had his hair in a high ponytail, and he looked happy.
"I am hercules mulligan," a somewhat stocky boy said. His hair was short and he had a bandana wrapped around his head. He and Lafayette were linking arms. Maybe they're really close?
"Yo, I'm alexander, but you can call me alex," the shorter of the three boys said. He had dark brown hair that fell to his shoulders. He had on a pair of glasses.
"Hi..." The girl said. She was the youngest out of the four. "I'm.. Theodosia." She had long dark brown hair, and there was a sadness in her expression that he couldn't place.
He smiled. He liked all of them instantly, but it didn't feel right. Not without Peggy.
"Here, let me show you your room!" Alexander grabbed his wrist and let him inside the house. The rest of them brought in John's bags and followed them to the room.
When they went into the room, john gasped. The room had a couple of beds in it. The wall had triangles of rainbow colors everywhere. He saw that all of the beds were unmade except for one. He sat down on it and sighed.
Once everybody came up and brought the bags, everyone sat down.
George popped his head into the room and smiled "dinner will be ready in about an hour."
The kids nodded and george left.
"So.. I.. Uh.. Don't know what to say.." John was fiddling around with his fingers.
Alexander laughed, "that's alright. I was the same way when I first came. I wouldn't even say hi."
Lafayette nodded, "he's right. I think we all were that way. Except for me. I was the first one adopted and so I was used to being alone. That was until Herc came."
Hercules laughed. "You almost killed me when we first met."
"What do you mean! All I did was hug you!"
"It felt as if you were suffocating me!"
"Was not!"
"Was too!"
"Guys, don't fight.." They all looked to the person who said it, which was Theodosia.
"Theo... Im sorry. I didn't realize.." Hercules said.
John raised an eyebrow. He was completely lost.
"Herc, its ok.." Theo looked at John before explaining. "The reason I was in the foster care system was because my parents died.. And then my uncle started verbally abusing me.."
Alex put a hand on her shoulder.
John smiled sympathetically.
"What... happened to your parents John?" Lafayette asked.
"Oh.." He looked at his hands. "I dont know.. I've been in the orphanage my whole life. All I know is that they left me with this locket.." He took out the locket and frowned. He opened it and looked at the picture of Peggy inside.
He felt his eyes begin to water.
"I'm sorry if I.. Upset you.." Lafayette said with a frown.
John looked up. "Oh no! Its fine.." He blinked a few times. "Its just.. I had to leave someone that I... I love in order to come here.."
He sighed and closed the locket. He wiped his eyes. When he looked back up, they were all looking at each other.
All of a sudden, Theodosia got up and wrapped her arms around him. The others followed suit. They were in a group hug.
"I'm sorry... If there is anything we can help with, just let us know." Theodosia said in his ear.


Peggy laid on her cot. She was staring at the ceiling. She hadn't been out of her room since John left. She hadn't even eaten.
Headmistress Adams peeked into the room and frowned. Peggy didn't move.
"Marguerite, you need to go to dinner."
Peggy groaned. "I don't want to go.. I just.. I want to stay here."
Headmistress Adams frowned. "You need to eat sometime."
"I will if I get hungry."
"Ok. If you don't eat tomorrow, we will have to find other methods to get you to eat."
Peggy nodded and the woman left.
She went back to thinking. She was fiddling around with a small silver chain that John had given her a year or so ago.
She was trying to form a plan.

Sorry it took so long!
I hope you enjoyed!
Stay safe
I love y'all
-Angel 💙💙💙

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