Chapter Four- The worst of plans

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Peggy had finally left her room the next day, but she wasn't going to eat.
No, she was going to investigate. She walked over the whole orphanage and counted how many exits there were.
She tried to figure out where she could escape at what time.
As she was walking around, she bumped into a tall body. She looked up to see Thomas.
"Oh my god." She muttered to herself as she ran a hand through her hair.
"What's up, short stuff?" He smirked down at her.
"None of your damn business, Thomas," she snapped before starting to walk off.
"Wait up!" Thomas grabbed her arm hard, stopping her in her tracks.
"What do you want." She could feel her face start to heat up as she got angry. She did not need any distractions.
"I was just wanting to make sure you were ok.." He looked away and back.
There was a flicker of rage in peggy's eyes. She threw her hands up and said loudly, "fine! Do you think I am fine! My best friend in the entire planet left me! I have no one else! I have no one else to be there for me.." She had started to break down. Maybe this is what it feels like to go insane, she thought as she leaned against the wall. She slid down it and thumped onto the floor. She pulled Johns beanie off of her head and held it to her heart.
Thomas frowned before sitting down next to her. "I'm sorry... I didn't realize you were that upset.." He whispered as he watched the shorter girl sob.
"I just.. I just want to get out of here. I want to leave this hell-hole and never come back..." She tightened her grip on the beanie.
"I.. Umm.. I can show you an easy way out.." Thomas said hesitantly.
She didn't seem to understand it as she said, "what..?"
"I know a way out of here."
Her face lit up slightly and her tears quickly ceased. "Really?"
"Yes.. I can help you get what you need.. I can even get Johns new address if you want."
She wrapped her arms around him with a burst of energy. "Thank you so so much!"
"O-of course..." He stood up and grabbed her hand. He pulled her up. "Lets get everything ready. I will give you my lunch and dinner for tonight so that you have food."
"I.. I don't know what to say.."
"You don't have to say anything. Lets go."

The two spoke and planned all day. Thomas had snuck into the deans office and stole john's files. She had a big backpack filled with her belongings.
The time had finally come for her to leave.
The two snuck down into the basement, where a window lay to the outside. Peggy gave thomas a hug. "Thank you so much for helping me."
"Of course." He held her at arms length and squeezed her shoulder. "Good luck."
"Thank you." She smiled at him before hopping onto a few milk crates. "Bye Thomas."
"Get in touch with me when you make it."
She nodded and waved before crawling through the window.

She stood across the street of the orphanage. She took a deep breath. She had done it. She had gotten out. When she saw a light come on in the front area, she bolted in the direction of the washington's house.

I hope y'all like it. I will try my best to post at least once every other day.
I hope y'all are staying safe.
I love y'all.
-Angel 💙💙💙💙

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