Chapter One- A Fallen Angel

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John sat on his cot, his gaze stuck on the locket in his fingers. The locket contained a picture of his best friend, Peggy. When she had come to the orphanage, the two had hit it off right away. Especially since neither of them were that popular in the place. He could remember the day they met very clearly.
He had been sitting in the far end of the dining hall. He was busy swirling the oatmeal in his bowl when he saw a flash of yellow in his vision. He looked up to see a young girl standing in front of him. She was by far the prettiest girl he had ever seen. She had chocolate brown eyes that matched her curly hair. She had on a light yellow hoodie. That's why he had seen yellow.
"Hi!" The girl said with a big smile. She sat in the seat in front of him.
"Hi..?" He responded. He smiled a shy smile as a blush began to crawl up his neck.
"I'm Peggy. What's your name?" She asked, putting her chin in her hands.
"My name is John." He looked down at his bowl and back up. He didn't want to eat anymore.
"I'm new here."
"That's why I've never seen you before." He was smiling a bit more. "Why did you decide to come sit next to me?"
"Because why?"
"Because you looked lonely."
He laughed. "I'm always lonely."
"Not anymore."
"What do you mean?" He raised an eyebrow.
She laughed. "I'm gonna be your best friend silly!"
He couldn't help but laugh with her. "Why do you say that?"
"Because. You seem cool and we both need someone to lean on when things are tough." Her expression saddened a little.
"Well.. You'd be my first 'friend' so I accept your offer."
Her smile widened as she stuck out her hand. He shook it and smiled.
"So.. How old are you?" She asked him. Her chin was now resting on her folded arms on the table.
"I'm ten. How old are you?"
"I'm eleven."
"How did you come to this place?"
"I ran away from my last home and ended up in the town. Instead of taking me back, they put me in the town orphanage."

He smiled as he recalled the memory. He was now fourteen and Peggy was fifteen. Over the years they had had good times and bad times. Like when Peggy was getting made fun of for always wearing yellow. She got so upset that she wanted to run away again. John thankfully talked her out of it and ended up talking to the girls about it.
He was waiting for peggy to come to his room. They always met up before mealtimes so they could sit and talk together.
As he was thinking, a certain curly haired girl walked into the room.
"Hiya johnny" He grinned as he looked up at her.
"Hi peggles. Are you ready to go?"
She nodded.
As they headed towards the dining hall, Peggy asked "who do you think they're going to call today?"
"Probably Thomas. You know how they always choose to adopt the good-looking kids."
"You're probably right. I also think Maria is gonna get called. I don't know why she hasn't been adopted yet. She's freaking gorgeous and a good cleaner."
"Maybe its cause of her rude attitude." John looked away.
"I doubt she would talk like that in front of Dean George and whatever adoptive parents are in there."
He shrugged. "You never know. I just hope we both get called together so we can stay together, if we get called that is."
"I do to."

He had only ever been called into Dean George's office once if you weren't counting the times he and peggy got in trouble. When a person got called to his office that meant that they were being looked at to be adopted.
When he had went the last time, he ended up saying some rude stuff to man. Who could blame him? The woman had bruises flowering on her arm and he was pretty sure she had a black eye. He yelled at the man for being abusive and that he needed to treat her with respect.
That had gotten him in trouble and he had to do extra cleaning chores.

Once they arrived at the dining hall, they got their food and sat down. The day was Friday and so they were serving biscuits and gravy.
As they ate, they talked about random stuff like who they thought was the prettiest (Of course John said peggy).

Once everyone had finished their food was when they said the names.
As soon as they saw headmistress adams, they all quickly shut up.

"Alright children. You know what time it is. May the following kids follow me," John grabbed peggy's hand and had his finger crossed.
"Thomas J.
Martha W.
James H.
Madilynn R.
John L.
All the rest of you go do your chores." The woman stood there waiting for everyone to come to her.
John's hand went limp and he suddenly couldn't breathe. Why did they call his name?
"Johnny. Its ok. They probably would choose thomas."
"I don't want to leave without you."
"I know. Even if you do get adopted, we still have time to say goodbye."
"Your right."
The duo hugged before John went on his way.

Hey! I hope you are enjoying my new story so far! I wanted to try something a little different, and Jeggy is the most adorable thing ever. (jamilton is still my OTP)
There aren't many Jeggy fanfictions that I could find on here, so I wanted to bless y'all.
If you are enjoying it, leave a comment and give me feedback!
Like always
Stay safe
I love you
- Angel 💙

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