Chapter Six- Joy and sadness

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John had been talking to his new siblings when he saw something in the corner of his eye. He thought nothing of it at first. That was until it started moving slightly. He turned and held back a gasp. He couldn’t believe his eyes on who it was. It was peggy. Why was Peggy here..? She should have been at the orphanage. She should have been there.. Safe. 

He heard a voice calling them inside for lunch. He heard one of them ask “Are you coming..?”

He nodded. “Just.. give me a second.. I need to do something real quick.”

“Alright.” The voice said. He made sure that everyone was inside before running towards peggy full-speed.
“Oh my god! What are you doing here..? You’re not supposed to be here!” He placed his hands against her cheeks. She seemed as if she had been in a haze. “Peggy..? Are you okay?”

All of a sudden, tears started to pour from her eyes along with huge gasps for air. “John… Its you.. Its really you.” She wrapped her arms around him tightly. 

“Yes its me! Why are you here though? You should be at the orphanage!” He said, looking into her eyes. He felt his heart begin to beat faster. 

“I- I couldn’t live there without you.. I just.. Couldn’t. I need you. I need you so much!” She was able to choke this out between sobs.

“Come on.. Follow me.” he said before grabbing her hand. He quickly led her behind the house, where a treehouse lay in the tallest tree. He looked around to make sure that no one was looking in the window. When the coast was clear, he helped her climb up the long ladder.

Once they made it inside, Peggy collapsed against the floor. She was still conscious, but she looked terribly pale. 

He gently took the backpack off of her and searched through it. He found a bottle of water and opened it. “Peggy.. Drink some of this.” He helped her sit up. He brought the bottle to her lips and lifted it up. As the water went into her mouth, she swallowed it. “I can’t believe that you came all this way..”

“I.. I wanted to be with you..” She said once he pulled the lip of the bottle from her lips.

"Peggy. You could have gotten hurt."

"I know.. But I wanted to be with you again." Peggy looked up at him and smiled softly. This caused John to ruffle her hair a bit.

"I'm just glad you didn't get hurt."

She nodded and let out a quiet sneeze.

"Here, wrap up in this so you don't get cold. I'll be back in a little bit.. Ok? It's tine for lunch and they'll be wondering where i am," John smiled softly. "I'll bring you some food up."

"Ok john," Peggy smiled a bit more before cuddling up with the blanket he had handed her.

He waved before quickly scurrying down the ladder and heading into the house.

And I've finally gotten around to writing the next chapter! I'm so sorry I didn't get it done sooner. I haven't been feeling the brightest lately. I also lost interest for a little while, but now i think I'm inspired again. Thank you guys for your patience.
Stay safe
-love ezra/Angel 💙

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