Chapter ten- Caught red handed

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Washington's p.o.v

He was sitting in his at-home office when he received a call from the school. He frowned a bit and took a deep breath.
"I swear if lafayette got in trouble again I am taking away his phone-" he whispered before picking up the phone.
"Hello..?" he spoke in a calm voice.
"Is this mr. Washington?" A young lady's voice spoke on the other end of the phone.
"This is he."
"Is it true that you have just adopted a boy by the name of John Laurens...?"
"Yes..? Did something happen..?"
"No... Was he supposed to start attending school today?"
"Yes.. I sent him off on the bus."
"Well... he isn't here."

His heart dropped a bit. "He isn't?"
"No.. he never showed up."

"God... ok. I'll try to see if I can find him. Thank you so much for letting me know." he said, rubbing his forehead with the heel of his hand.
"Alright.. You can just bring him in once you find him." The office lady said before hanging up.

Washington took a deep breath before getting out of his seat. He took a few minutes to look around the house, making sure that he wasn't in there before going to check outside. "John? Where are you?" He called from the front porch.
He then stayed quiet, listening hard before hearing laughter. He headed to where he heard it, and he began to climb up the ladder of the treehouse. When his head was high enough to peek into the doorway, he frowned.
He saw John and Peggy in a tight hug, and they were still laughing and giggling.
"John Laurens what are you doing here?" he said in a stern voice.
It caused the two to jump apart, and a look of panic crossed John's features.

"S-sir- I didn't- I-" The boy stuttered and stumbled over his words.

"He's here because of me," the girl said, a scared and nervous look on her face.

"And who might you be?" he asked, climbing all the way into the treehouse.
"My name is marguerite schuyler.. But you can call me peggy." She said in a matter-of-fact voice.

"Hmm.. really? And where exactly did you come from?"
"The orphanage.. I ran away when john left-" She said and crossed her arms, looking him up and down.
"So you know John?"
She nodded and stood up. "Yes, we're best best best best best friends."
He looked to john, and the boy quickly nodded.

"Ok.. why don't you two come inside..?" he said, the anger going out of him when he saw how scared John was.

The two nodded, and the three climbed down the ladder.
Washington followed behind them as they walked into the house and to the kitchen.




I am so so so so sorry this is bad, I haven't been myself as you could tell, and my brain has been a blur recently. I hope I'll be able to finish this story soon.

I love y'all

-Ezra <3

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