Chapter 2 : The Concert???

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Niecey's P.O.V :

I got into Leslie's car and as soon as I got in she started bitchin'. ''What took YOU so long.'' I wasn't even about to answer her at that moment because I was way too excited. I couldn't wait to see Ray-Ray's face when he saw my outfit! I had a nice plum purple mini dress that showed off my hourglass shape! I was about to tell Ajeenah to put my mindless behavior CD in but before I could say anything we were at the Nokia theatre.

I was so excited when we walked up. We had V.I.P seats and backstage passes. We all sat down ecept Leslie who was giving the guy our tickets.

''OMG, I can't wait to be this close to princeton'' Sierra said making the smallest space between her fingers. 

''Yeah Princeton's cute and all but Roc is going to be FIRE on stage'' Ajeenah said putting emphasis on 'fire'.

''What the hell do you mean?'' We heard Leslie scream. We all jumped up and walked over to where she was.

''I mean they're not real'' The guy said pointing at the tickets. I couldn't believe my eyes when he said the tickets weren't real.

'' B-But T-The backstage passes have got to be real right....right?'' Kerani said stammering over her words. The guy just stood there and shook his head no.

''This is bullshit!'' Leslie said getting angrier by the minute.

''You know what guys let's just go see a movie or go eat or something we didn't get all dressed up not to do anything'' Ajeenah said with her head down.

Sierra's P.O.V. :

As much as we all wanted to see Mindless Behavior that night we didn't all I wanted to do was crawl under a rock. we found this place right next to the Nokia though. That whole entire night we could here the concert going on and just wish we were in there.

When the concert was over we could see fans rushing to the resturaunt where we were eating.

''What are they doing?'' Kerani said. All of a sudden the owner of the restaurant came and locked all the doors down. When he did that I began to get a little scared. I walked over to the owner.

''What's going on?'' I said. He looked at me like I asked him that a hundred and one times.

'''Ugh, are you one of them too?'' He shooed his hands at me and walked away like a bitter old man so I walked  back over to the table and sat down

''What's his problem?'' Ajeenah asked me. I shrugged my shoulders and sat down.

Princeton's P.O.V :

I just saw the finest thing in the world just sit down. We were in this restaurant after getting pummeled by fans. As soon as I saw them I nudged Roc.

''Roc'' I said nudging him on the arm '' Do you see what I'm seeing?'' I could tell he was just by the way his mouth was open. I waved my hand in front of his face, I thought it was funny it was the first time I ever seen roc like this. I looked at the others and saw that they were doing the same thing. I walked over to Ray.

''RAY'' I screamed he still wasn't paying me any mind. I turned around only to see that Roc was headed over to the girls table. He walked over to the one girl wearing a royal blue long sleeved shirt. She was cute too, but I was eyeing the one in the green. I hated Roc for having so much courage and being younger than me. I wasn't about to go over there and talk to them I was just to... What's the word shy?

Ajeenah's P.O.V

We all were just sitting there looking at the fans beat on the door trying to get in. I was looking at one girl that had a baby and a sign that read '' Ray Ray this is your baby'' I couldn't help but laugh at how stupid she was being. I lost focus when some guy came next to me and asked if the seat next to me was taken. I almost said buzz off when I looked at him and couldn't say a thing. I couldn't believe it was Roc Royal.

''Hello'' He waved his hand in my face I couldn't believe who standing in front of me! ''Are you okay? Can I sit here?'' I knew if I said something it would just sound like blah blah blah so I shook my head yes. I looked around to see if I was dreaming I wasn't because when I look up I saw Princeton, Prodigy and Ray Ray now coming over to the table.


Kerani's P.O.V :

So, tell me why we're going home after that amazing night with MB? Well I'll tell you why..... We're going to MB's house!!!! They share this big huge Mindless Behavior mansion and it is just amazing! I took my time to cuddle up with Prod before looking around. OMG! I still can't believe he likes me. They like us all they say that we're not like the other fans that just treat them like celebrities and not people I like that they told us that. It made feel important.

Ajeenah's P.O.V :

WE ARE IN MINDLESS BEHAVIOR'S MANSION RIGHT NOW!!! OH MA GAWD! I need to calm myself down. All the guys are surprised because they said that Roc never found anybody to fall in  love with. Then he said the sweetest thing he said I think I'm in love right now. :)))))))))))))))))) I am so happy right now.

To think that we almost couldn't go because of Leslie's stuck up ass. While we were at the restaurant Roc saw that we had signs and all that stuff and he asked us did we enjoy the concert I immediately gave him a what do you think face and told him we coudln't get in sooooooooo here we are at their house!!! 

I was surprised that Roc handled Leslie like a pro! As soon as Prince was like you guys should come home with us she immediately said NO! Then Roc signal one of his best friends to come over to Leslie and set her straight it was Diggy!

I don't know where they went and to be honest I could care less because they were looking at each other real lovey dovey like. UGH! Leslie snapped right out of it and said ''Y'all better not do anything nasty or freaky at they house'' she said to us. '' No promises'' I said with a naughty grin. I don't care if she liked or not I was getting laid tonight and Roc knew that he was too.

Sierra's P.O.V :

Princeton kept giving me smiles and compliments all night. He is so sweet but I was feeling like things were going a little to far and I wasn't trying to lose my V-card tonight. But it looked like Ajeenah was. Her and Roc were over there in the corner all night. I just knew they were talking dirty to each other.

With everything that Ajeenah says you would think that she had sex before and was totally experienced in that catagory. Before I knew it me and Princeton were kissing each other uncomtrollably. He was kissing me like he had done it so many times and I kinda liked it. He was kissing me on my neck and whispering in my ear saying ''you are so beautiful''. I couldn't believe at how sweet and romantic he was!

I looked up and saw Roc dry humping Ajeenah!! ''EWWW GET A ROOM!!"" I heard Niecey say. 

''Roc can't you do that somewhere else'' Prince said

''Not in front of the ladies, man'' Prod said

''Fine'' Ajeenah laughed and said '' We're sleepy anyway''

''Well make sure y'all go to sleep!'' Ray said

I really hope Ajeenah doesn't do anything she regrets in the morning.

 (A/N/): Sorry it took so long I was watching X Factor !! I'm so glad that Arin Ray is still in! He is so cute! <3

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