Chapter 41

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Draco's POV

The school year is now at a close. My fifth year is complete and I'm now loading up on the train, ready to head back to Kings Cross.

Harry stood next to me in a cheerful conversation with Ron about being able to play quidditch again next year and never having to go back to the Dursley's. Harry, of course, is excited to be fully moving in with Sirius and my mother and I joining him as well.

My father's currently in Azkaban and I hope it stays that way.
Fudge has resigned and we're currently looking for a new minister before the summer ends.

Voldemort is still at large, but now everyone knows he's back and precautions are being taken in hopes of once and for all putting an end to his horrendous hunger for power.

"Nervous?" Harry asked, turning to me as Ron, Hermione, Pansy, Blaise, Harry, and I all climbed in one of the compartments on the train. All very crammed together, but happy nonetheless that we can all sit together one last time before break.

"No. As long as I've got you, there's nothing to be worried about. Isn't that right, savior?" He smiled lightly at me.

"Don't get too comfortable. Voldemort's still alive. I'm no savior. Not yet at least." He confronted me with.

"No, but you're my hero no matter what anyone says."


"Harry, you're the strongest and bravest person I know. Always wanting to help others and stand up for them. That's all it takes to be a hero. You don't actually have to slay a monster."

"I don't have a choice, if you really think about it."

"Harry, stop being so negative! If anyone's got this it's you." Ron said, cutting into our conversation.

"Ron's right, Harry and all of us are here to stand by your side. You're not doing this alone." Hermione said.

"I know. I know that more than ever, believe me. I guess I'm just worried we won't be able to pull this off."

"Have faith." I said. "We'll all do our best and we just have to hope that it's enough. I don't have a doubt in my mind that we can't beat Voldemort. He's going down."

Harry smiled at me before pecking me on the lips.

"We all should get together during break." Pansy changed the subject.

"Sounds like fun. We can all owl each other over break and come up with a plan. Maybe we can all go do something together." Hermione said.

It's weird.
Ever since the incident at the Ministry Gryffindor's and Slytherin's have been more friendly with each other than I ever thought possible. Maybe it's because Harry and I are together and then we were all backed by our friends, which maybe influenced the others as well.

The six of us have sat with each other for the rest of the year since the ministry event and eventually more of our friends joined us too and now it seems everyone gets along well.

The house are all now one.

I hope that will help make a difference in the war that's approaching.

The reason why Slytherin was divided from the rest is because we're pure bloods, seen as evil because of Voldemort, but we changed that. People took chances and it's going to impact the war. More people will oppose Voldemort.

The day had gone by and eventually we made it back to the train station.

When everyone gathered their stuff we all said goodbye to each other and headed off in different directions.

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