Chapter 19

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Draco's POV

Benjamin got suspended for a month and is currently on probation. If it were up to me then he would be expelled. I mean, he literally made Harry go blind and so far a cure hasn't been found.

It's only been a day since the incident, but Harry seems rather off. He's more drawn back. He's talking less, eating less, he's falling back to the person he was several weeks ago when I found him on the bathroom floor.

I don't understand. He was doing so well. He was getting better, but now it's different. I guess it could be because he's stressed about not having his vision, but I sense there's more to it.

He's been trying to do things on his own, like walk without bumping into people in the halls, or trying to figure out if his clothes are on backwards or not.

Umbridge has been enjoying this rather nicely. She purposely called on him several times during class today and he couldn't answer it. She would ask the dumbest questions, like she would ask him a question based on the notes we took and he would simply frown at her as he said he didn't know.

How was he supposed to know? He can't read the board and he can't make notes! She's infuriating.

"Draco?" I glanced up from my homework to look at Harry. He sat next to me in the common room and until now he has stayed silent.

"Yeah?" I asked. He was looking at nothing, just straight forward. His eyes seemed lost, like he wasn't truly there in the moment.

"I think I'm gonna head to bed." He said standing up. I moved my books and stood with him. I attempted to grab onto him and help him up the stairs, but he pushed me away. "I can manage." He said before reaching his arms out in front of him and walking forward, slowly and clumsily.

"Harry. You're heading towards the exit. Not the dorm stairs." I called. He sighed and turned around. "Just let me help you. Please?"

He huffed. "I can manage. I just need to get my barrings."

I could tell he was frustrated. Whether it was at me or trying to figure out where he was going was debatable.

I sighed.

If he doesn't want my help, then who am I to stop him?
I sat back down and pulled my books on my lap again, but I kept Harry in the corner of my eye just in case.

He meandered for a bit. Feeling the couch, the table, whatever else he could get his hands on. He moved more away from me and closer to the stairs.

At least he's figuring it out.

A loud thud startled me. "Damnit!"

My eyes shot to Harry. "You alright?" I stood up and walked to him.

"Yeah. Some moron left a pile of books on the floor. I tripped and hit the wall." He explained.

The pile he was talking about laid on the floor, now scattered. Harry held his forehead with his hand. He must've hit his head.

"This is ridiculous. Harry, just let me help you." I reached out to him again, but he only swung from my grasp, lost his balance and tumbled to the floor.

His face grew red, filled with anger and embarrassment. Although he was angry, his eyes were glossy, like he was about to cry, but held it back.

"I'm fine! Just leave me alone!" He shouted. Most people were already in bed except for a few night owls that looked over at us to find out what was happening.

"Stop acting childish, Potter. You can barely get two feet away without hitting something, let alone not hurting yourself in the process." I retorted. He's being stubborn. Why won't he just let me help him?

"I'm not acting childish!" He said scrambling to his feet.

I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see it. "Sure, Potter."

He huffed again before latching onto the wall. He walked like that, gripping the wall, but then he ran into the table and almost tumbled backwards if I hadn't of caught him.

"Just let me help you." I whispered in his ear. He shivered before finally nodding his head and gripping me tighter.

The two of us made it upstairs and I made sure Harry was comfortable in bed before turning to leave.

Crabbe and Goyle were asleep, but Blaise was not.

He pointed his finger to the door and both of us left the room.
We went into the common room and sat down on the couch next to each other.

"How is he?" Blaise asked.

I sighed. "I don't know. He's being foolish. He won't let me help him, he's falling into his habits from before."

"Well, he did lose his vision."

"Yeah. I get that, but he was doing better. I don't understand." I put my head in my hands. A sign of feeling defeated.

Blaise put his hand on my shoulder. "Maybe he's feeling, I don't know. Vulnerable? Without his vision he's probably feeling defeated."

"Yeah. You're right." Leave it to Blaise to evaluate a situation. I've never been good at that, but Blaise is. "We should go to bed. It's late."

Blaise nodded his head in agreement before standing up. I stood with him and the two of us went upstairs and climbed in our own beds.

Harry fell asleep, it looks like. No nightmare yet, but I'm starting to realize that when I'm next to him he doesn't have nightmares, when I'm not with him he does.

I wonder why that is.
I mean, until he got resorted, he hated me. Why would I bring comfort to him? I know it's not because I saved his life because he was like that before then.

Maybe he really does trust me?
If that's the case then I swear to Merlin I won't betray him.
Before I would've because I thought he was the Golden boy, the one who had the perfect life and is just a spoiled brat, but it's not true and he deserves way better.

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