Chapter 38

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Draco's POV

"So what exactly happened to make you go to the ministry, Harry?" Sirius asked.

Everyone sat in the living room of the stingy Black's house.

Harry and I were next to each other on the couch, Sirius next to him. Ron and Hermione sat on the love seat, Ron with an ice pack held to his head and Hermione with her leg out and resting.
Dumbledore, Kingsley, and Arthur stood in a corner of the room and Molly sat on the armchair watching Harry intently.
Remus stood next to the couch. A gently laid hand on Sirius' shoulder.

A girl I just met, Tonks. Sat on the floor in front of all of us.

"I, well. I saw a vision of you being tortured. I couldn't just stand by. I knew it could've been a trick, but what if it wasn't? What if Voldemort really got you?" Harry explained. He was looking down at his hands and fidgeting with them nervously.

"I fire called here and when I couldn't find you, I panicked."

"How did you fire call here?" Sirius asked.

"We broke into Umbridge's office." Hermione replied.

"Yeah, she'll probably have our heads once we get back to school." Ron said.

"Not necessarily. Fudge is gonna be made a laughing stock and so is everyone following him in the Ministry. Including Umbridge." I said.

"I hope they take her to Azkaban." Ron replied.

"I doubt either will happen. Not right away. Umbridge is still headmistress of the school and until the minister is either cleared or replaced, she's still in control." Hermione replied.

"Well then I guess we'll either be expelled for awhile or are in for an awful detention." Harry stated.

We all groaned.

"What happened to the prophecy?" Sirius changed the subject.

"I smashed it." Harry said simply.

The room froze. Sirius' mouth laid open slightly, his eyes wide.

Everyone else seemed to be in similar shock.

"You...Smashed it?" Arthur asked.


"You do realize that now no one will ever know what's on that prophecy." Sirius stated.

"Yeah well, it's probably better that way. Now there's no chance of Voldemort ever finding out what's on it." He said.

"You got a point." Ron replied.

"Not entirely." Dumbledore cut in. We all turned to him, ready for him to explain. "I was there when the prophecy was originally foretold. I know what it said."

"Right. I forgot about that." Sirius replied looking at his hands.

"Mind filling us in?" Kingsley asked.

"That's for Harry to decide, but Harry I do think it's best if you knew."

"Why? If there's anything I've learned it's that knowing about the future only causes problems."

"Yes, well. Without this information it could be detrimental."

"Then why didn't you tell it to me sooner? Actually, where have you been all year? Keeping secrets from me, avoiding me, disappearing, not taking action. In fact, why should I listen to anything else you've got to say after all the hell I've been put through in the last two years and you've done nothing to help me with it." Harry stood up, his face slightly red from anger.

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