Chapter 24

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Draco's POV

"To Harry Potter. For without him, I would not be here today." Arthur Weasley said raising his glass. The rest of the Weasley family and Hermione followed in pursuit.

"To Harry!" They all cheered. Harry wore a smile on his face by their cheering even though his eyes looked distant and unfocused.

The break had been going quickly, it's now Christmas Eve. Harry has yet to tell Sirius, Hermione and the Weasley family that we are together now.

I think he's just nervous. After everything that's happened he doesn't want to lose the one family he has.

At first everyone reacted a little badly when they saw me here, but after Harry did some explaining they calmed down.

They don't particularly like the idea of me being here, especially Ron, but put up with it for Harry.

In other words, I have a lot of convincing to do or else Harry's gonna suffer more. The last thing he needs is to to lose his friends.

Mrs. Weasley brought out the Christmas presents for everyone and the family dug in.

A second later I felt a hand clasp my shoulder. I flinched slightly as I turned to see who it was.

Sirius looked down on me, but not in a bad way, more like he just understood more than I originally gave him credit for.

"Go join Harry." He said. I shot him a confused glance. "Don't think I don't know what's been going on between the two of you lately. It's been awhile since I've seen Harry smile so brightly and he only does it with you around."

Sirius said genuinely. I couldn't help but smile at his words. After all, Harry does mean everything to me and I hope I do for him. "But if you hurt my God son I swear you won't know what true pain is." He threatened, yet it seemed light.

"I promise I won't. You have my word." I told him Sirius smiled at that before motioning me to join the others.

I sat next to Harry as he opened a present, with the help of Ron, that had a typical red sweater with the letter H on the front. He felt around the fabric to truly understand what it was.

When he finished he set it down. While looking at nothing in particular as he thanked Mrs. Weasley. Who, in turn, gushed at his gratefulness.

Underneath the table, where no one could see, I set my hand gently on Harry's thigh. He flinched violently. "Shh, it's just me." I whispered in his ear.

He sighed softly before dropping his hand and intertwining our fingers together. His thumb drawing circles on the back of my hand.

"I'm sorry that they didn't get you anything, but I got you something." Harry said.

I sat silent for a second. "You got me a present?" I asked hesitantly.

Harry only nodded his head and squeezed my hand. "It's on the kitchen table."

I released Harry's hand in order to grab the present from the other room. It sat right on the counter in the kitchen, just like he said it would be. After I grabbed the present I went back to sit beside Harry.

"Open it." He said looking in my direction, but not my eyes since he couldn't necessarily find them.

The box I held was green with silver ribbon. It was slightly heavy, I noticed.

I pulled the string and unwrapped the paper. When I finally got it opened I noticed three different vials. I only looked up, gaping at the boy next to me. "How did you? Where did you find these?" I asked him in utter amazement.

Inside each vial had a different potions ingredient. One was fire seeds, good for maintaining high temperatures and is used in fire breathing potions and as an antidote to uncommon poisons. Next was fairy wings, these are almost impossible to find and are worth a fortune on the black market, these are useful in girding potions and beautification potions. Lastly, a vial containing dragon claws, when they're powdered and eaten they give you a brain boost and also used to make Tolipan blemish Blitzer.

"Sirius and Ron's older brother helped me. Do you like it?"

"Are you kidding me? I love it! It's nearly impossible to get some of these potion ingredients and using them makes the most complex and amazing potions ever!" I shouted a little to excitedly.

Harry laughed and smiled. "I'm glad you like it so much."

I too had gotten Harry a present, but I figured I would give him something that was important to me. I'm filthy rich and so buying a simple or expensive gift would've been meaningless in my opinion.

"Harry. I sorta got you something too. You see, I thought it would mean more to you if I gave you something that's rather important to me." Harry pulled a questioning look, his nose scrunched up in confusion.

I grabbed his right hand gently from off his lap. In a moment I slipped the ring that was on my finger onto his ring finger.

It was a simple silver ring with a green gem in the center. My name was engraved onto the bottom of it and on the inside, a simple sentence was engraved. It read 'you are more powerful than you know and they fear the day you realize it'

"My mother had it made for me when I was born. It's a pure blood tradition that every child gets one when they are born. Its nothing much, but it means everything to me. After all. It came from the one person that has always been there for me, always has me guidance when I was lost, and gave me someone to hold when I needed to cry."

Harry place his other hand over my hand that still held him. "Draco." He whispered. "I can't accept this. It's too precious and important. I could never-"

"I want you to have it, Harry. I hope it stands as a reminder of how much you mean to me and that I am so sorry for everything that I've done to you in the past."

"I already forgive you for that. Besides, it's not like I was any better." Harry frowned.

"I was worse and you know it, but truly Harry. I want you to keep this. So that you know, whatever happens, I will now and forevermore be in love with you." I said genuinely.

Harry smiled brightly and his cheeks tinted a crimson red. "Draco you can't just say that to me right here of all places. Now all I want to do is kiss you until we're both out of breath."

I laughed lightly. "I'll keep you to that for later." I told him as I glanced at everyone in the room. Hermione caught my eye and she smiled. Probably already knowing what's going on.

"Foods ready!" Mrs. Weasley's voice sounded across the room. We all got settled and dug in to our Christmas dinner.

"Thank you Mrs. Weasley. It's absolutely delicious." I declared smiling up to her.

She hesitated looking at me before smiling. "You're welcome dearie."

I have never been polite to the Weasley family. My father has always taught me that they are below us since they associate with Muggle. However, I think it's high time that I start thinking for myself. After all, they are Harry's family and if he learned to love them, then why can't I?

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