Chapter 17

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Harry's POV

I don't know when I started noticing certain things about Draco.

The way his hair is always perfect or how he curls into himself as he sleeps.
I've even noticed how elegantly he eats his food and strides with confidence down the halls.

Maybe it's because since my incident Draco has not left my side.

He's very keen on keeping an eye on me. I appreciate it. I really do. It gets annoying sometimes, but Draco and I get along a lot better than I thought we would.

"Harry?" Draco asked me, setting down his fork and turning fully to look at me.

"Yes?" I did the same. I've been eating a little more each day. Only problem is that I'm still getting sick from it constantly, but Draco is always by my side, helping me the entire time, every time it happens.

"Hogsmeade trip is tomorrow. Are you feeling up to going? I'd like to go ahead and start on my Christmas list, even though it's still a month away."

"I'm fine with that, but why are you asking me if I'm feeling up for it?"

Draco's cheeks turned pink slightly. "I just never want you out of my sight again." His voice shook, but at the same time his cheeks darkened.

His words had two meanings. Spending all this time with him, I've been able to pick up on certain things. For one, he's worried that I might try something or something might trigger me. However, the other is a bit stranger. I haven't deciphered it entirely, but he seems to want to spend as much time with me as I want with him. It pleases me to know that someone other than my immediate group of friends wants to hang out with me.

For some reason, coming from Draco just makes it all the more better.

I smirked at him as a wicked thought crossed my mind. "Draco, if you wanted to go out on a date, all you have to do is ask."

He spluttered his pumpkin juice that he had picked up while I was lost in thought.

I laughed to myself, taking in how flustered he became.

"That's not-well I mean- bloody hell, Harry."

I only laughed harder. "Did I embarrass you? My apologies."

"Oh, I know you're not sorry. Not one bit. However since you mentioned it. I might just take you up on that offer."

I stopped laughing and stared stunned at him. My mouth slightly open.

"What?" I asked quietly.

He flashed me a smirk before standing up. "Guess you'll have to find out Potter." He began walking out of the room.

"Wait, Draco. What do you mean by that?" I stood up and tailed him.

"Who's the flustered one now?" He playfully snapped back as he continued his walk down the steep staircase towards the dungeons.

"I think I'm more confused than flustered." I admitted. What did he mean by that? Does he want to take me out on a date? Does Draco have a crush on me? No that can't be it.

"You really are daft, Harry." He said. We came to a stop in front of the entrance.

I stuck my tongue out playfully at him. I feel so carefree nowadays with him. It's strange really, but not a bad thing. In fact, I enjoy it. I haven't felt this happy in a really long time and really only Draco brings that out in me. Only when I'm around him.

Draco's face turned from an amused smile to that of cold heartedness.

At first, I thought the emotion was directed at me and it stung. After all the progress we've made with one another. It made me feel defeated, but then I noticed his gaze wasn't on me, but what was behind me.

I turned and saw a group of Slytherins and Gryffindors that looked all too chummy talking to each other. When they noticed our attention was on them, they bustled away.

"What was that all about?" I asked turning back to Draco.

His eyes softened when they fell back to me. "I don't know. That's the same group I caught hanging around the infirmary when you were still unconscious. They're up to something." He stated.

"Why? What did I do to them?"

"Nothing, Harry. They just want someone to blame for the mess these last two years and I think with your current condition, they want to take advantage of that."

"They should've offed me in my sleep then, would've saved them the trouble." I scoffed. Draco gave me a hard look and I looked down guiltily. "Sorry." I muttered.

Draco sighed. "It's fine. You're probably right though. I don't think they want you dead, just maybe humiliate you even more."

My frown deepened at his words. Why can't people leave me alone for once? I didn't even do anything, not to them at least.

"Come on." Draco grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the common room.

Blaise and Pansy sat by the fire talking animatedly to one another.

The three of us also got on well. They're not bad people and further more, they are incredibly funny when they want to be, at least when they're not keeping up the appearances.

Everyone in Slytherin still hate my guts, except for Draco's group of friends, which I found highly amusing.

"Hi Draco, Harry!" Blaise called us over.

The two of us sat in front of the other two, side by side. I couldn't help but notice how Draco sat rather closely to me, his arm brushing against mine slightly.

"I think it's time for us to get worried." Draco admitted crossing his arms.

The smile from Blaise's and Pansy's faces fell. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"Harry's getting stalked by a group of Slytherin's and Gryffindor's. I think they're up to something and whatever it is. It's not good."

"Well then. I guess protection duty is in order." Blaise said.

I looked over at him confused. "Protection duty? Aren't I already being watched constantly by you three and from my other friends?" I asked.

"Well yes, but I'm meaning we need to no longer keep an eye on you and more on our class mates." Draco replied.

I frowned slightly. "Draco. I'm not a baby. I can take care of myself. I'm sorry that I freaked you all out and everything, but really, a protection detail? I feel like I did in third year when know one told me who my God father was." I explained.

"I get that Harry, but they could hurt you. They've been doing that for days now and who knows what they're up to."

"Probably just to throw a bogey hex at me or something. Really, that's not a big deal for me to be 'protected' and all that." I announced getting annoyed.

"Ok well we'll just keep an eye on them. All of us. How about that?"

I sighed. "Fine, but really. I don't need a babysitter."

With that, the group got up and headed to bed for the night.

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